responsibility finder

Applying for recognition of a foreign professional qualification as a career qualification for employment as a state civil servant

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

You can have your foreign professional qualification recognized as a career qualification for a civil servant position in Schleswig-Holstein and apply accordingly.

If your professional qualification acquired in another EU member state, EEA contracting state or a state treated as such by agreement does not differ significantly from the qualification required for the career path of civil servants in Schleswig-Holstein, you can have your foreign professional qualification recognized as a career qualification and apply accordingly.

The examination can take place in the following specializations

  • Agricultural and environmental services
  • General services
  • Police
  • Fire department
  • education
  • Health and social services
  • Justice
  • Technical services
  • Tax administration
  • Scientific services

Note: In non-regulated professions, recognition is not a mandatory requirement for practicing the profession. You can apply and work directly on the job market in these professions.

Process flow

You submit an application for recognition of your professional qualification as a career qualification. The best way to do this is to use the single point of contact's online application form. Alternatively, you can also submit the application and the required documents in writing or in person.

As soon as your application documents have been submitted in full, the responsible office will carry out the assessment and request further documents if necessary.

The assessment is carried out according to defined formal criteria (in particular the content and duration of the training). Your professional experience will also be taken into account, as will other relevant qualifications (especially further and advanced training).

You will receive written notification of the results of the examination. If significant differences in professional qualifications are identified, this notification will also contain information on what these differences are and how you can compensate for them.

Who should I contact?

Please get in touch with the single point of contact.


The entry requirements depend on the chosen career path.

Which documents are required?

The application must be accompanied by the original or a certified copy of certificates of authorization to practice the profession in the country of training. These can be

  • acquired training certificates
  • certificates on the duration and nature of professional activities relevant to the career to date
  • a certificate from the home country or country of origin stating the professional activity to which the training certificates entitle the holder
  • Evidence showing the training or study content and duration of training for the professional qualification
  • If applicable, a declaration stating which activity is intended in public administration on the basis of the training certificates
  • If applicable, declaration as to whether recognition has been refused at an earlier date
  • If applicable, declaration of the career for which recognition is being applied for

You are obliged to submit all documents required for the determination of equivalence and to provide all necessary information.

What are the fees?

There are no fees.

Processing duration

The competent body must decide on the equivalence within three months. The deadline begins upon receipt of the complete documentation.

Legal basis

State Civil Service Act and Career Ordinance of the respective federal state; bases for action are supplemented by the federal states


You can lodge an objection.

Applications / forms

You can apply for recognition of your foreign professional qualification as a career qualification by submitting an online application via the single point of contact.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


You can have your foreign professional qualification recognized as a career qualification for a civil servant position in Schleswig-Holstein and apply accordingly.

Process flow

You submit an application for recognition of your professional qualification as a career qualification. The best way to do this is to use the single point of contact's online application form. Alternatively, you can also submit the application and the required documents in writing or in person.

As soon as your application documents have been submitted in full, the responsible office will carry out the assessment and request further documents if necessary.

The assessment is carried out according to defined formal criteria (in particular the content and duration of the training). Your professional experience will also be taken into account, as will other relevant qualifications (especially further and advanced training).

You will receive written notification of the results of the examination. If significant differences in professional qualifications are identified, this notification will also contain information on what these differences are and how you can compensate for them.

Who should I contact?

Please get in touch with the single point of contact.


The entry requirements depend on the chosen career path.

Which documents are required?

The application must be accompanied by the original or a certified copy of certificates of authorization to practice the profession in the country of training. These can be

  • acquired training certificates
  • certificates on the duration and nature of professional activities relevant to the career to date
  • a certificate from the home country or country of origin stating the professional activity to which the training certificates entitle the holder
  • Evidence showing the training or study content and duration of training for the professional qualification
  • If applicable, a declaration stating which activity is intended in public administration on the basis of the training certificates
  • If applicable, declaration as to whether recognition has been refused at an earlier date
  • If applicable, declaration of the career for which recognition is being applied for

You are obliged to submit all documents required for the determination of equivalence and to provide all necessary information.

What are the fees?

There are no fees.

Processing duration

The competent body must decide on the equivalence within three months. The deadline begins upon receipt of the complete documentation.

Legal basis

State Civil Service Act and Career Ordinance of the respective federal state; bases for action are supplemented by the federal states


You can lodge an objection.

Applications / forms

You can apply for recognition of your foreign professional qualification as a career qualification by submitting an online application via the single point of contact.


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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