Apply for funding for the expansion and further development of an AI transfer hub and for the establishment and operation of an AI application center
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
If you would like to set up AI technologies and use company-related data and harness the potential of AI research and development for SMEs and the regional economy, you can receive funding under certain conditions.
If you want to open up Schleswig-Holstein's economy for the application of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and the use of company-related data as an outstanding factor for increasing innovation and competitiveness as well as creating and securing sustainable jobs, you can receive funding under certain conditions (AI Transfer Hub Schleswig-Holstein).
To this end
- knowledge about AI strategies, AI technologies and tools as well as AI business models should be transferred via suitable formats,
- funding programs at federal and EU level are to be screened and communicated with regard to their suitability for implementing AI technologies in SMEs,
- and - together with the university partners in the AI Application Center - generate initial feasibility studies for the entrepreneurial implementation of AI applications.
If you generate more innovation and added value in Schleswig-Holstein by setting up and operating an AI Application Center and open up the enormous growth potential of this technology for the state, you can receive funding under certain conditions (AI Application Center Schleswig-Holstein).
This enables you to harness the potential of AI research and development from Schleswig-Holstein's scientific community for SMEs and the regional economy.
By consistently focusing on the needs and projects of inventors, start-ups and the regional economy, interdisciplinary teams in a state-wide center will develop know-how that can then be commercially exploited by companies.
An institutional link between the AI Application Center and the previous, successful work of the AI Transfer Hub will strengthen the networking of Schleswig-Holstein's activities in the field of AI research and AI transfer. In this way, a permanent innovation ecosystem for the application of AI technologies will be implemented that takes the entire AI value chain into account.
The AI application center is intended to provide small and medium-sized enterprises in Schleswig-Holstein with low-threshold access to application-oriented AI research and development at universities. Specifically, projects and project ideas from industry are to be analysed, optimized and further developed cooperatively and experimentally in transfer projects at the application center. The aim of these projects is to initiate economic and social innovations with a particular focus on securing energy efficiency and protecting the climate.
If you would like to set up AI technologies and use company-related data and harness the potential of AI research and development for SMEs and the regional economy, you can receive funding under certain conditions.
Process flow
- You submit a funding application to Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein. It is recommended that you seek advice from Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein beforehand.
- Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein will check the application and request any missing documents or information. Once a complete application has been submitted, Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein will decide whether to approve the funding. There is no legal entitlement to funding.
- A project can only be started before the funding is approved if you apply for an early start of the measure and this is approved by Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein.
Competent authority
Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein
- You must be a company with its registered office or place of business in Schleswig-Holstein.
- You must be a university in the state, insofar as self-administration tasks are performed or a business-related technology transfer facility or facility for research and knowledge dissemination is available.
- Only one AI application center and one AI transfer hub can be funded for your planned project.
- For the duration of the funding, you must conclude a cooperation agreement signed by all partners and corresponding transfer agreements for the cooperating partners.
- Your project begins on 01.07.2023 and ends on 31.12.2028, after which an interim evaluation will be carried out by the Ministry of Education, Training, Science, Research and Culture.
- The project must not have been started yet.
- The project should make contributions in the areas of equality, non-discrimination and sustainable development.
- The overall financing of the project must be secured.
- The project must be carried out in Schleswig-Holstein.
Which documents are required?
- Service account application (company account)
- Online application or application in paper form
- Project description
- Cost and financing plan
- Scoring table - contributions to the cross-cutting objectives
What are the fees?
Administration fee: free of charge
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
We recommend seeking advice from Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein before submitting an application. The application must be submitted before the start of the project. The project may not be started without approval.
Processing duration
Processing takes at least 1-2 months, but can regularly take several months.
Legal basis
You can lodge an appeal and file a complaint with the administrative court.
What else should I know?
The beneficiaries are bound to fulfill the conditions associated with the funding and the purpose of the grant for a certain period of time (earmarking). The earmarking period is up to 5 years, depending on the type and design of the respective project, and is specified in the grant notification.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.