responsibility finder

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

The Infection Protection Act prescribes the reporting of certain pathogens as well as vaccination damage by physicians and laboratories.

The aim of infection protection is to prevent transmissible diseases in humans, to detect infections at an early stage and to prevent their further spread.

The Infection Protection Act (IfSG) obliges physicians and laboratories to report infections. A distinction is made between named reports of pathogens and non-named reports of evidence of pathogens as well as reports of vaccination damage.

Named pathogens:

Physicians and laboratories for medical diagnostics are obliged to report abnormal findings to the local health authorities responsible for the physicians' practices if the pathogens named in the law are diagnosed during an examination or sample. The reporting forms required for this purpose are provided by the respective state authorities.

Non-named pathogen detections:

The pathogen detections named in § 7 Para. 3 IfSG are to be reported non-named directly to the Robert Koch Institute. The RKI provides special laboratory reporting forms for this purpose.

Vaccine damage:

The suspicion of health damage exceeding the usual level of a vaccination reaction must be reported. The report is made by the doctor to the local health authority.

Which documents are required?
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

No deadlines need to be observed.

Legal basis
Applications / forms


The Infection Protection Act prescribes the reporting of certain pathogens as well as vaccination damage by physicians and laboratories.

Which documents are required?

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

No deadlines need to be observed.

Legal basis

Applications / forms

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