responsibility finder

Apply for recognition as a special educator with professional qualification from abroad

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

You would like to work permanently in Germany as a special educator? Then you must have your foreign professional qualification recognized.

The profession of special educator is regulated in Germany. This means: You have to prove a certain qualification to be allowed to work in the profession. If you have a foreign professional qualification as a special educator, you can work in this profession in the selected federal state under certain conditions. To do this, you must submit an application with all the necessary documents to the relevant state authority.

In the recognition procedure, the competent authority compares your professional qualification from abroad with the professional qualification in the chosen federal state and makes an equivalence determination. In addition to the equivalence, the competent body checks the other requirements. You will receive feedback after your application has been reviewed. If your professional qualification is equivalent and you meet all other requirements, you may use the professional title "curative educator".
If you lack professional qualifications for recognition, the notice will state the essential differences. You can then take a compensatory measure.

Process flow
  • You submit a written application with all required documents to the competent office.
  • The competent office checks whether your documents are complete. If this is not the case, you must submit the relevant documents subsequently.
  • The competent body will then check: Is your foreign professional qualification equivalent to the professional qualification in your federal state? For the comparison, the content of the training and the duration of the training are important, for example. The competent body also takes into account your professional experience, further certificates of competence and qualifications. Within 3 months after submission of the complete documents, the competent body will inform you of the result. Possible results are:
    • Your professional qualification is equivalent and you meet all requirements. You receive recognition as a special educator.
    • Your foreign qualification is not equivalent to the German professional qualification. There are significant differences between your qualification and the German professional qualification. In most cases, you can take a compensatory measure. This allows you to compensate for the essential differences.
  • Equivalence of your professional qualification
  • You must be authorized to practice the profession in the country of training.
Which documents are required?
  • Completed and signed application form
  • Proof of identity (identity card or passport)
  • Proof of any name change (for example, marriage certificate if your name has changed due to marriage)
  • Proof of your professional qualification
  • Proof of education as well as overview of subjects and grades
  • Proof of professional experience as a special educator
  • Proof of other qualifications
  • Certificate that the profession may be practiced in the country of training
  • Information on applications for recognition that have already been submitted. Then indicate the office to which you submitted the application.

If your documents are not in German, you must submit German translations of your documents. The translations must be made by translators who are publicly appointed or authorized.

Processing duration

Processing time: 3 Months
The competent office will acknowledge receipt of your application within one month. The competent office will inform you if further documents are required. If you have submitted all the required documents, you will receive a decision with the result after 3 months at the latest. In certain cases, the competent body may extend the procedure.

Legal basis

If you do not agree with the decision of the competent body, you can file an appeal with the administrative court. Details of how to do this can be found in the appeal instructions at the end of your decision. We recommend that you first talk to the responsible office before taking legal action against the decision.

What else should I know?


You would like to work permanently in Germany as a special educator? Then you must have your foreign professional qualification recognized.

Process flow

  • You submit a written application with all required documents to the competent office.
  • The competent office checks whether your documents are complete. If this is not the case, you must submit the relevant documents subsequently.
  • The competent body will then check: Is your foreign professional qualification equivalent to the professional qualification in your federal state? For the comparison, the content of the training and the duration of the training are important, for example. The competent body also takes into account your professional experience, further certificates of competence and qualifications. Within 3 months after submission of the complete documents, the competent body will inform you of the result. Possible results are:
    • Your professional qualification is equivalent and you meet all requirements. You receive recognition as a special educator.
    • Your foreign qualification is not equivalent to the German professional qualification. There are significant differences between your qualification and the German professional qualification. In most cases, you can take a compensatory measure. This allows you to compensate for the essential differences.


  • Equivalence of your professional qualification
  • You must be authorized to practice the profession in the country of training.

Which documents are required?

  • Completed and signed application form
  • Proof of identity (identity card or passport)
  • Proof of any name change (for example, marriage certificate if your name has changed due to marriage)
  • Proof of your professional qualification
  • Proof of education as well as overview of subjects and grades
  • Proof of professional experience as a special educator
  • Proof of other qualifications
  • Certificate that the profession may be practiced in the country of training
  • Information on applications for recognition that have already been submitted. Then indicate the office to which you submitted the application.

If your documents are not in German, you must submit German translations of your documents. The translations must be made by translators who are publicly appointed or authorized.

Processing duration

Processing time: 3 Months
The competent office will acknowledge receipt of your application within one month. The competent office will inform you if further documents are required. If you have submitted all the required documents, you will receive a decision with the result after 3 months at the latest. In certain cases, the competent body may extend the procedure.

Legal basis


If you do not agree with the decision of the competent body, you can file an appeal with the administrative court. Details of how to do this can be found in the appeal instructions at the end of your decision. We recommend that you first talk to the responsible office before taking legal action against the decision.

What else should I know?

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