National allowance for the blind
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
The state allowance for the blind is a benefit from the state of Schleswig-Holstein that is granted irrespective of income and assets.
The state allowance for the blind is a benefit provided by the state of Schleswig-Holstein, which is granted irrespective of income and assets.
Under certain conditions, it is paid to people with civilian blindness, people who are equivalent to blind people and people with severe visual impairments. It serves to compensate for additional expenses caused by disability and is granted on application.
The state allowance for the blind is a benefit from the state of Schleswig-Holstein that is granted irrespective of income and assets.
Who should I contact?
To the districts or independent cities.
Which documents are required?
Assessment notice from the State Office for Social Services regarding blindness as a severe disability in accordance with Section 152 of the German Social Code IX (SGB IX).
What are the fees?
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Payment begins on the first day of the month in which the conditions are met, at the earliest on the first day of the month of application.
Legal basis
What else should I know?
In addition to the state allowance for the blind, you can also apply for assistance for the blind in accordance with § 72 SGB XII. Both benefits serve the same purpose, although the state allowance for the blind is lower than the assistance for the blind. However, unlike the state allowance for the blind, the payment of assistance for the blind requires that certain income and asset limits are not exceeded. State allowance for the blind is paid as a priority and is offset in full against any existing entitlement to assistance for the blind.
For war blind people (war victims), the provisions of the Federal Pension Act apply.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.