responsibility finder

Expert opinion on the fair value (market value) of developed and undeveloped land

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

If you need the market value of your property, you can apply for a market value appraisal at the responsible appraisal committee for property values.

If you want to sell a developed or undeveloped plot of land, it can be useful to have the market value of the land determined in order to set the purchase price. Likewise, in the case of inheritance disputes between property heirs, an independent appraisal helps to avoid disputes.

The market value of real estate is determined by independent appraisal committees and reported in market value reports. The appraisals have no binding effect unless otherwise stipulated or agreed.

Market value appraisals are also prepared by specially trained publicly appointed and sworn or certified experts (surveyors).

Process flow
  • To obtain a market value appraisal, please submit a corresponding application to the office of the responsible appraisal committee.
  • First of all, your eligibility to apply will be checked on the basis of the documents submitted.
  • In preparation for the appraisal, the object of valuation (property) is inspected by employees of the office, and the documents are evaluated.
  • The expert committee inspects the valuation object and decides on the market value.
  • The appraisal is completed and sent to you.
  • Finally, the notice of costs is sent out.
Who should I contact?

Contact points are the responsible offices

These are the offices of the expert committees for property values, which are set up in Schleswig-Holstein at the districts and independent towns or the State Office for Surveying and Geoinformation Schleswig-Holstein (LVermGeo SH).

Competent authority

Expert committees for land values


Upon request, you can obtain an expert opinion on the market value of real property if you are

  • the owner of the land,
  • entitled persons of equal status to land owners,
  • holders of other rights to the land or
  • beneficiaries of a compulsory portion, for whose compulsory portion the value of the land is relevant,


Furthermore, the expert committees for real estate values shall prepare market value appraisals if

  • the authorities responsible for enforcing the Building Code,
  • the authorities responsible for determining the value of a plot of land or compensation for a plot of land, or
  • courts and judicial authorities

request it.

Which documents are required?

Please submit the relevant documents (e.g. identity card, extract from the land register or extract from the real estate cadastre of the property to be appraised) as proof of entitlement to apply.Other documents relating to the property to be appraised (e.g. construction plans of buildings) may be of importance for the appraisal. If you have such documents, please submit them.

What are the fees?

The costs for a market value appraisal consist of

  • a fee for the market value appraisal, which depends on the value of the appraised property, and
  • the expenses for the compensation of the honorary members of the expert committee.

Please inquire about the costs at the office of the responsible appraisal committee.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?


Processing duration

The processing time depends on the valuation object. As a rule, several weeks pass between the submission of the application and the dispatch of the appraisal report. In individual cases, please contact the office of the responsible appraisal committee.

Legal basis
Applications / forms
  • Forms: none
  • Online procedure possible: no
  • Written form required: yes
  • Personal appearance required: generally yes
What else should I know?


  • Information on property valuation in Schleswig-Holstein can also be found on the website of the Schleswig-Holstein State Office for Surveying and Geoinformation,
  • Information on property valuation in Germany can be found on the Gutachterausschüsse online website.

Contact details of the expert committees for land values


If you need the market value of your property, you can apply for a market value appraisal at the responsible appraisal committee for property values.

Process flow

  • To obtain a market value appraisal, please submit a corresponding application to the office of the responsible appraisal committee.
  • First of all, your eligibility to apply will be checked on the basis of the documents submitted.
  • In preparation for the appraisal, the object of valuation (property) is inspected by employees of the office, and the documents are evaluated.
  • The expert committee inspects the valuation object and decides on the market value.
  • The appraisal is completed and sent to you.
  • Finally, the notice of costs is sent out.

Who should I contact?

Contact points are the responsible offices

These are the offices of the expert committees for property values, which are set up in Schleswig-Holstein at the districts and independent towns or the State Office for Surveying and Geoinformation Schleswig-Holstein (LVermGeo SH).

Competent authority

Expert committees for land values


Upon request, you can obtain an expert opinion on the market value of real property if you are

  • the owner of the land,
  • entitled persons of equal status to land owners,
  • holders of other rights to the land or
  • beneficiaries of a compulsory portion, for whose compulsory portion the value of the land is relevant,


Furthermore, the expert committees for real estate values shall prepare market value appraisals if

  • the authorities responsible for enforcing the Building Code,
  • the authorities responsible for determining the value of a plot of land or compensation for a plot of land, or
  • courts and judicial authorities

request it.

Which documents are required?

Please submit the relevant documents (e.g. identity card, extract from the land register or extract from the real estate cadastre of the property to be appraised) as proof of entitlement to apply.Other documents relating to the property to be appraised (e.g. construction plans of buildings) may be of importance for the appraisal. If you have such documents, please submit them.

What are the fees?

The costs for a market value appraisal consist of

  • a fee for the market value appraisal, which depends on the value of the appraised property, and
  • the expenses for the compensation of the honorary members of the expert committee.

Please inquire about the costs at the office of the responsible appraisal committee.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?


Processing duration

The processing time depends on the valuation object. As a rule, several weeks pass between the submission of the application and the dispatch of the appraisal report. In individual cases, please contact the office of the responsible appraisal committee.

Legal basis

Applications / forms

  • Forms: none
  • Online procedure possible: no
  • Written form required: yes
  • Personal appearance required: generally yes

What else should I know?



  • Information on property valuation in Schleswig-Holstein can also be found on the website of the Schleswig-Holstein State Office for Surveying and Geoinformation,
  • Information on property valuation in Germany can be found on the Gutachterausschüsse online website.

Contact details of the expert committees for land values

Further information and offers