responsibility finder

Apply for permission to show people for commercial purposes

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

Anyone wishing to commercially organize shows for people requires a permit in addition to the business registration / a traveling trade card.

If you would like to organize shows of people on a commercial basis or have such shows organized on your premises, you require a permit (in addition to the business registration and, if applicable, a travel trade license).

Performances by persons are, for example, striptease or peep shows and the mere presentation of people with conspicuous physical features.

If the performances have a predominantly artistic, sporting, acrobatic or similar character, they do not require a permit in accordance with the Trade Regulation Act.

Who should I contact?

To the municipal, local or city administration in whose district the event is to take place.

Which documents are required?
  • Proof of your personal reliability,
  • proof of your professional suitability,
  • if applicable, proof of your financial capacity,
  • if necessary, proof of certain spatial conditions.
What are the fees?

The current fee is 100.00 euros in accordance with the Annex to the State Ordinance on Administrative Fees.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

The license according to § 33a GewO expires if the holder has not started the business within one year of its issue or has not exercised it for a period of one year.

The deadlines can be extended for good cause.

Legal basis

§ 33a Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act

§ 49 Trade Regulation Act


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


Anyone wishing to commercially organize shows for people requires a permit in addition to the business registration / a traveling trade card.

Who should I contact?

To the municipal, local or city administration in whose district the event is to take place.

Which documents are required?

  • Proof of your personal reliability,
  • proof of your professional suitability,
  • if applicable, proof of your financial capacity,
  • if necessary, proof of certain spatial conditions.

What are the fees?

The current fee is 100.00 euros in accordance with the Annex to the State Ordinance on Administrative Fees.

What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?

The license according to § 33a GewO expires if the holder has not started the business within one year of its issue or has not exercised it for a period of one year.

The deadlines can be extended for good cause.

Legal basis

§ 33a Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act

§ 49 Trade Regulation Act


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

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