Restaurant operation: withdrawal of permission
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)
Service Description
A restaurant permit may be withdrawn under certain conditions, e.B. if rooms are unsuitable.
Permission to operate a catering industry shall be withdrawn if it becomes known that there were grounds for refusal under Section 4 (1) No.1 of the Restaurant Act (GastG).
Permission must be refused if:
- the applicant does not have the necessary reliability,
- the rooms are not suitable for operation,
- the rooms of disabled people cannot be used for disabled people,
- the operation gives the public fear harmful environmental effects within the meaning of the Federal Immission Protection Act or otherwise significant disadvantages, dangers or nuisances for the general public,
- which the applicant cannot prove that he has knowledge of food law by means of an Industry and Chamber of Commerce certificate.
A restaurant permit may be withdrawn under certain conditions, e.B. if rooms are unsuitable.
Who should I contact?
To the competent municipal, municipal or municipal administration (administrative office).
Legal basis
Section 15 (1) Restaurant Act (GastG)
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