responsibility finder

Vocational training: Training center - prohibit hiring / training

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Schleswig-Holstein (Linie6Plus)

Service Description

Training centers may be prohibited from hiring and training under certain conditions.

The competent authority under federal state law may prohibit the hiring and training of trainees at a specific training establishment if the requirements under Section 27 BBiG are not or no longer met.

The competent authority under federal state law must prohibit hiring and training if the personal and professional aptitude is not or no longer present.

Who should I contact?

To the chamber responsible for vocational training. This can be

  • the Chamber of Skilled Crafts for vocational training in occupations under the Crafts Code,
  • the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for vocational training in non-trade occupations,
  • the Chamber of Agriculture for vocational training in agricultural and rural domestic science professions,
  • the chambers of lawyers, patent attorneys and notaries as well as the notary's offices for the vocational training of specialists in the field of law,
  • the chambers of auditors and tax consultants for the vocational training of professionals in the field of auditing and tax consultancy,
  • the chambers of physicians, dentists, veterinarians and pharmacists for the vocational training of healthcare professionals.

Other responsibilities, e.g. for bodies in the public sector, churches and other religious communities, are regulated in Sections 72 - 75 of the Federal Training Act (BBiG).

Legal basis

§§ 27, 33 in conjunction with § 71 of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG).

What else should I know?

Information for trainers can also be found on the website of the Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.


Training centers may be prohibited from hiring and training under certain conditions.

Who should I contact?

To the chamber responsible for vocational training. This can be

  • the Chamber of Skilled Crafts for vocational training in occupations under the Crafts Code,
  • the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for vocational training in non-trade occupations,
  • the Chamber of Agriculture for vocational training in agricultural and rural domestic science professions,
  • the chambers of lawyers, patent attorneys and notaries as well as the notary's offices for the vocational training of specialists in the field of law,
  • the chambers of auditors and tax consultants for the vocational training of professionals in the field of auditing and tax consultancy,
  • the chambers of physicians, dentists, veterinarians and pharmacists for the vocational training of healthcare professionals.

Other responsibilities, e.g. for bodies in the public sector, churches and other religious communities, are regulated in Sections 72 - 75 of the Federal Training Act (BBiG).

Legal basis

§§ 27, 33 in conjunction with § 71 of the Vocational Training Act (BBiG).

What else should I know?

Information for trainers can also be found on the website of the Schleswig-Holstein Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).


The text was automatically translated based on the German content.

Further information and offers