Services A-Z
All Services (2580 hits)
- Acquire state-owned or municipal land, real estate and objects
- Activate ID card with online ID function
- Activities with pathogens - apply for a permit
- Adjusting advance payments to the artists' social security fund
- Adjusting the artists' social insurance subsidy for health and long-term care insurance
- Adopt path and watercourse plan with accompanying landscape conservation plan in accordance with FlurbG
- Advice and information in social matters
- Advice and information on discrimination
- Advice for and evaluation of existing or potential training employers
- Advice for people with disabilities
- Advice from the Künstlersozialkasse for registered companies
- Advice from the Künstlersozialkasse for self-employed artists or journalists who are not insured
- Advice on parenting, partnership, separation or divorce issues
- Advise and support training companies and trainees
- Advising non-registered companies on the artists' social security contribution
- Aerial imagery
- After registering with the artists' social security fund, appeal against the decision on the obligation to pay the artists' social security contribution
- Age and marriage anniversary
- Agricultural accident insurance: applying for a clearance certificate for companies
- Agricultural direct payments (EU direct payments)
- Agriculture: game damage, hunting damage
- Aid for surviving dependants under statutory accident insurance
- Aircraft noise (military)
- Aircraft radio certificates: Apply for admission to the exam
- Airworthiness Review Certificate (ARC): Apply for issue and submit ARC
- All-day schools Apply for funding
- Allotment gardening: lease of an allotment garden
- Animal diseases
- Animals: Imports of experimental vertebrate animals - Authorisation
- Animals: interventions and treatments for the production, extraction and storage or propagation of substances, products or organisms
- Animals: Interventions and treatments on animals for training, further education or advanced training - Display
- Animals: Slaughter - Appointment of a responsible person authorized to issue instructions
- Animals: Slaughter - Certificate of competence
- Animals: Slaughter - Permit
- Animals: Slaughter without stunning "Slaughtering" - Permission
- Animal testing: laboratory animals not from laboratory animal breeding - approval
- Animal welfare
- Animal Welfare Officer: Exemption
- Apostille
- Appeal against an official decision in an administrative procedure
- Appeal against a notice of change to the artists' social security contribution
- Appeal to the arbitration committee for disputes arising from vocational training relationships
- Application for admission to the examination for the VHF radiotelephone certificate for inland navigation (UBI)
- Application for an extension of the residence permit for urgent humanitarian or personal reasons
- Application for appointment and swearing-in as an expert to provide expert opinions on goods, services and prices of craftsmen
- Application for a residence permit extension to search for a job after professional recognition procedure
- Application for a residence permit in the case of a deportation ban
- Application for a residence permit in the case of subsidiary protection
- Application for inclusion of a smoke flavoring primary product in the Community list of authorized primary products
- Application for the appointment of a tax assistant
- Apply for, change or cancel voluntary insurance or supplementary insurance with statutory accident insurance
- Apply for "Authorized consignee" status for the Union transit procedure
- Apply for "STEP" funding for coaching pupils with a focus on obtaining a school-leaving qualification
- Apply for a beef storage contract
- Apply for a birth certificate
- Apply for a bookmaker's license
- Apply for a business identification number (W-IdNr.)
- Apply for a butter storage contract
- Apply for a call sign for aircraft stations (Aircraft Station License)
- Apply for accelerated skilled worker procedure
- Apply for access authorization for security areas of the airport
- Apply for access to the digital radio test platform for authorities and organizations with security tasks (BOS)
- Apply for a certificate for the distribution of certain funds
- Apply for a certificate for universal postal service providers
- Apply for a certificate of approved depositary for the land registry
- Apply for a certificate of deletion/non-registration from the aircraft register
- Apply for a certificate of good conduct
- Apply for a certificate of no impediment
- Apply for a certificate of permanent residence for EU/EEA citizens entitled to freedom of movement
- Apply for a certificate under the Film Subsidies Act and/or a certificate of origin
- Apply for a change of address on the eID card
- Apply for a change of entry in the list of air sports equipment
- Apply for a change of vehicle registration number (change of registration)
- Apply for a change to a BMZ-funded project in the field of vocational education and training
- Apply for a change to a funded project in the area of development partnership with the private sector
- Apply for a change to the aviation security program for a foreign air carrier
- Apply for a child-raising pension
- Apply for a classic car license plate (H license plate) for a vehicle registered over 30 years ago
- Apply for a commercial mail transport permit
- Apply for a commercial permit for the handling and transportation of explosive substances
- Apply for a comprehensive guarantee for customs duties
- Apply for a contribution subsidy from the agricultural pension fund
- Apply for additional expenses winter allowance as a supplementary benefit to seasonal short-time allowance
- Apply for a death certificate for a family member
- Apply for a declaration of no objection in the area of basic substances
- Apply for a diplomatic passport or service passport
- Apply for a disabled person's pass
- Apply for administrative proceedings in the event of rejection of a basic account
- Apply for admission as a late repatriate
- Apply for admission to a community school
- Apply for admission to a German school abroad
- Apply for admission to the amateur radio service
- Apply for admission to the auditing exam
- Apply for admission to the Bar as a European lawyer
- Apply for admission to the examination and issue of a General Radio Operating Certificate - Long Range Certificate (LRC)
- Apply for admission to the examination and issue of a restricted radio operator's certificate (SRC)
- Apply for admission to the integration course
- Apply for admission to the law society
- Apply for a driver's license for classes AM, A, A1, A2 or A
- Apply for a driver's license for class L
- Apply for a driving license for class B
- Apply for a driving license for class T
- Apply for a driving license on federal waterways (patent or certificate of competence)
- Apply for advance maintenance payments for children of single parents
- Apply for advance payment of reimbursement of fare losses on local and long-distance services
- Apply for a family pass
- Apply for a family vacation
- Apply for a favorable loan for investments by companies and freelancers
- Apply for a favorable loan for investments by companies and freelancers in structurally weak regions
- Apply for a fishing license
- Apply for a flag certificate for pleasure craft
- Apply for a further training bonus for continuing professional development
- Apply for a gaming arcade license
- Apply for a grant for energy optimization of systems and processes
- Apply for a grant for measurement and control technology, sensors and energy management software
- Apply for a grant for measures to improve the living environment under long-term care insurance
- Apply for a grant for measures to provide process heat from renewable energies
- Apply for a grant for specialist energy planning and construction supervision for residential buildings
- Apply for a grant for the energy-efficient refurbishment of existing residential buildings
- Apply for a grant for the installation of fuel cell heating systems in residential and non-residential buildings
- Apply for a grant for the installation of new, efficient heating systems with renewable energies or for individual energy-related measures
- Apply for a grant for the purchase of e-cargo bikes and e-cargo bike trailers in the business and municipal sectors
- Apply for a health insurance subsidy for pensioners from the agricultural pension fund
- Apply for a heating cost subsidy for non-piped energy sources
- Apply for a housing entitlement certificate
- Apply for a KfW loan in conjunction with a repayment subsidy from the federal government for deep geothermal energy
- Apply for a license as a commercial real estate loan broker
- Apply for a license as a fee-based financial investment advisor
- Apply for a license as a financial investment broker
- Apply for a license confirmation (verification letter) for pilots
- Apply for a license for financial service providers
- Apply for a license to transport letter mail
- Apply for a loan for individual measures for the energy-efficient refurbishment of residential buildings
- Apply for a loan for the energy-efficient refurbishment of residential buildings to create a KfW Efficiency House
- Apply for a loan in certain acute emergency situations
- Apply for a loan or needs-based grant for training
- Apply for a loan to build or purchase a KfW Efficiency House
- Apply for a loan with a repayment subsidy for the construction or purchase of energy-efficient commercial buildings
- Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for energy-efficient refurbishment measures in commercial buildings
- Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for energy-efficient refurbishment of commercial buildings
- Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for energy optimization of systems and processes
- Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for high-efficiency systems or gensets
- Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for measurement and control technology, sensors and energy management software
- Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for measures to provide process heat from renewable energies
- Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for municipal bodies for energy-efficient refurbishment of non-residential buildings in municipal and social infrastructure
- Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for municipal companies for the energy-efficient refurbishment of non-residential buildings in municipal and social infrastructure
- Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for renewable energies
- Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for renewable energies
- Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for the construction or purchase of energy-efficient non-residential buildings for municipal and social infrastructure
- Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for the construction or purchase of energy-efficient non-residential buildings for municipal and social infrastructure
- Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for the use of geothermal energy
- Apply for a loan with repayment subsidy for the use of geothermal energy
- Apply for a master craftsman's start-up bonus
- Apply for a measure that prepares you for training
- Apply for a mutual agreement procedure under the double taxation agreement (DTA)
- Apply for a national visa
- Apply for an authorization certificate for the online ID function
- Apply for an early retirement pension for long-term insured persons from the Agricultural Pension Fund
- Apply for an early retirement pension for spouses from the Agricultural Pension Fund
- Apply for an education loan
- Apply for an eID card as a European citizen
- Apply for an electronic health card for people with statutory health insurance
- Apply for an electronic health professional card (eHBA) as a person in a health profession.
- Apply for a new driving license
- Apply for a new identity card if lost
- Apply for a new social security card
- apply for an examination warrant
- Apply for an exemption for the burning of small private fireworks outside the turn of the year
- Apply for an express passport
- Apply for an extended training period or part-time training
- Apply for an extension of the approval of the voluntary labeling of foodstuffs with the animal husbandry method
- Apply for an extension of the deadline for the removal or decommissioning of lead drinking water pipes
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit for the purpose of study preparation and study
- Apply for an extension of the residence permit to search for a training place in order to carry out qualified vocational training
- Apply for an identity card
- Apply for an identity card as a person under 16
- Apply for an income-dependent deferral of the BAföG loan
- Apply for an integration grant from the job center
- Apply for an integration subsidy from the employment agency
- Apply for an international driving license
- Apply for an investment grant for the energy-efficient refurbishment of residential buildings
- Apply for an object identifier (OID) for electronic data exchange in the healthcare sector in Germany
- Apply for an old-age pension for particularly long-term insured persons
- Apply for an operating license for the cross-border operation of unmanned aircraft (UAS) in the "special" operating category
- Apply for an operating license for unmanned aircraft (UAS) in the "special" operating category
- Apply for an orphan's pension from the agricultural pension fund
- Apply for an outpatient preventive measure such as a cure for people with statutory health insurance
- Apply for a partial permit for the construction and operation of a plant
- Apply for a passport
- Apply for a patent
- Apply for a pension for miners
- Apply for a permit for the commercial or independent manufacture, processing or repair of firearms or ammunition (firearms manufacturing permit)
- Apply for a permit for the direct discharge of pre-treated wastewater from small wastewater treatment plants into bodies of water
- Apply for a permit for the direct discharge of rainwater into bodies of water
- Apply for a permit for the tax-free use of alcohol
- Apply for a permit for the tax-free use of alcopops
- Apply for a permit to breed, keep and trade animals
- Apply for a permit to breed or keep vertebrates or cephalopods intended for animal experiments or other scientific purposes
- Apply for a permit to handle alcohol products
- Apply for a permit to handle beer products
- Apply for a permit to handle energy products
- Apply for a permit to handle tobacco products
- Apply for a permit to operate a customs warehouse
- Apply for a permit to supply / dispense certain hazardous substances and mixtures in accordance with ChemVerbotsV
- Apply for a permit to trade in firearms or ammunition commercially or independently (firearms trading permit)
- Apply for a permit under immission control law for the construction and operation of systems
- Apply for a permit under water law for the construction, expansion or use of rail-specific infrastructure
- Apply for a personal identification number (SSR number) for entries in the radiation protection register (SSR)
- Apply for a placement budget from the employment agency
- Apply for a pleasure craft license
- Apply for a postal vote
- Apply for approval, modification or deviation of an aircraft maintenance program
- Apply for approval as a classification undertaking for carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep
- Apply for approval as a continuing airworthiness management organization (CAMO)
- Apply for approval as a maintenance organization and as a combined airworthiness organization
- Apply for approval as an energy expert for the federal program Energy Efficiency in Agriculture and Horticulture
- Apply for approval as an expert for cross-checks
- Apply for approval as a provider of consumer information services (VID) by the Market Transparency Unit (MTS) for fuels (MTS-K)
- Apply for approval as a transport company for animal transportation
- Apply for approval as a water testing laboratory
- Apply for approval for recycling processes for plastics in food contact
- Apply for approval for the operation of an X-ray facility or the significant modification of the facility for materials testing
- Apply for approval for the operation of an X-ray facility or the significant modification of the operation for teleradiology
- Apply for approval for the training of aeronautical personnel
- Apply for approval in simplified procedure for a plant according to BImSchG
- Apply for approval of active and intelligent substances in food contact materials
- Apply for approval of a dangerous goods training program in the aviation sector
- Apply for approval of aviation security equipment for secure supply chain entities and air carriers
- Apply for approval of bonus points for Part 66 license
- Apply for approval of minimum equipment list (MEL) for aircraft or submit notification for extension of recovery interval (RIE)
- Apply for approval of new substances for cellophane films in food contact
- Apply for approval of special denaturants
- Apply for approval of the premature construction of a plant requiring a permit
- Apply for approval to develop aircraft and aeronautical equipment
- Apply for a private storage contract for pork
- Apply for a private storage contract for sheep and goat meat
- Apply for a private storage contract for sugar
- Apply for a provisional project certificate in accordance with the Film Funding Act
- Apply for a reduced earning capacity pension from the agricultural pension fund
- Apply for a red vehicle license plate (06 license plate) for test drives and transfer journeys
- Apply for a red vehicle license plate (07 license plate) for classic cars participating in events
- Apply for a regular pension payment after a pension as total remuneration
- Apply for a rental car permit
- Apply for a replacement for the registration certificate part I (vehicle registration document)
- Apply for a residence permit for a foreign child to join a German parent
- Apply for a residence permit for a study-related internship EU
- Apply for a residence permit for conditional admission to studies or part-time studies
- Apply for a residence permit for employment as a specialist with academic training
- Apply for a residence permit for freelancers
- Apply for a residence permit for refugees
- Apply for a residence permit for self-employed persons who have completed their studies or who work as scientists or researchers
- Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of applying for studies
- Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of research
- Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of self-employment
- Apply for a residence permit for the purpose of studying
- Apply for a residence permit on urgent humanitarian or personal grounds
- Apply for a residence permit to attend a general education school
- Apply for a residence permit to be issued for the recognition of professional qualification on the basis of an agreement of the Federal Employment Agency
- Apply for a residence permit to carry out a qualification measure
- Apply for a residence permit to carry out a qualification measure with employment
- Apply for a residence permit to join other family members of a German national
- Apply for a residence permit to look for a job after completing a research activity
- Apply for a residence permit to look for a job after completing your studies
- Apply for a residence permit to look for a job after recognition of foreign professional qualifications
- Apply for a residence permit to participate in language courses or student exchanges
- Apply for a residence permit to participate in the European Voluntary Service
- Apply for a residence permit to take an examination for the recognition of a foreign professional qualification
- Apply for a sales tax identification number
- Apply for a seafarer's identity card
- Apply for a senior citizen's pass
- Apply for a settlement permit for holders of a residence permit on the basis of international law, humanitarian or political reasons
- Apply for a shooting permit
- Apply for a shortened examination to become a tax advisor
- Apply for a sibling discount on daycare parental contributions
- Apply for a special permit for the inspection of air freight
- Apply for a special permit in accordance with the Inland Fisheries Ordinance
- Apply for assessment for persons with limited tax liability
- Apply for assistance for the blind
- Apply for assistance with living expenses (social welfare)
- Apply for a standard old-age pension
- Apply for a standard old-age pension from the agricultural pension fund
- Apply for a stand permit
- Apply for a start-up grant
- Apply for a state allowance for a private supplementary long-term care insurance policy
- Apply for a status certificate for a tax reduction on income from foreign investment funds
- Apply for a storage contract for cheese
- Apply for a storage contract for skimmed milk powder
- Apply for a subsidy for health courses for people with statutory health insurance
- Apply for a subsidy for high-efficiency systems or units
- Apply for a subsidy for plug-in photovoltaic systems
- Apply for a subsidy for private or voluntary health insurance
- Apply for a subsidy for supplementary independent participation advice (EUTB)
- Apply for a subsidy for trainees for accommodation costs during block teaching
- Apply for a subsidy from the Federal Employment Agency for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for a subsidy from the Jobcenter for internship remuneration for young people who are to be prepared for in-company vocational training as part of an introductory training program
- Apply for a tax number for insurance tax or fire protection tax
- Apply for a tax reduction for shore power supply for watercraft
- Apply for a temporary employment permit
- Apply for a temporary exemption for special experimental and technical scientific studies with an amateur radio station
- Apply for a temporary identity card
- Apply for a temporary no-stopping zone
- Apply for a tonnage certificate
- Apply for a travel allowance for integration courses
- Apply for a travel document as a passport replacement for emergencies
- Apply for a travel trade license
- Apply for authorization for airworthiness personnel acting on their own behalf (IARS)
- Apply for authorization for customs declarations by entering them in the accounts
- Apply for authorization or exemption for flight, duty and rest times or submit a notification
- Apply for authorization to practice a further craft requiring approval
- Apply for authorization to use an electronic transport document (ETD) as a customs declaration
- Apply for authorization to use the addition "Landwirtschaftliche Buchstelle" to the professional title
- Apply for authorized consignee status under the TIR procedure
- Apply for automatic validation to be entered in the pilot's license
- Apply for a VAT refund as an international organization or its member
- Apply for a vehicle tax concession for severely disabled persons
- Apply for aviation security program for foreign air carrier
- Apply for aviation security program for German air carrier
- Apply for a voluntary IT security label
- Apply for a WHO certificate for the export of medicinal products for human use if the marketing authorization holder is based in Germany
- Apply for a WHO certificate for the export of medicinal products for human use without a marketing authorization in the exporting country
- Apply for a widow's or widower's pension from the agricultural pension fund
- Apply for a World Manufacturer Identification Number (WMI) for manufacturers of motor vehicles and trailers with administrative headquarters in Germany
- Apply for BAföG to attend school
- Apply for BAföG to study
- Apply for basic training for people with severe visual or hearing impairments
- Apply for batch release of immunomodulators as veterinary medicinal products
- Apply for batch release of Sera as a veterinary medicinal product
- Apply for batch release of tuberculins as veterinary medicinal products
- Apply for benefits for participation in working life from the Federal Employment Agency
- Apply for benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act
- Apply for care aids
- Apply for care assistance
- Apply for care benefits in kind for people with long-term care insurance
- Apply for care in a day care center
- Apply for central customs clearance
- Apply for certificate of seclusion according to the Condominium Act
- Apply for certificates of origin and other certifications required for foreign trade from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry
- Apply for certification of pension and basic pension contracts ("Riester" or "Rürup")
- Apply for change in aviation security program for German air carrier
- Apply for changes to German air carriers
- Apply for changes to the AOC (dry lease-in, dry lease-out, transfer of supervision, special permits).
- Apply for child benefit
- Apply for child building benefit
- Apply for child sickness benefit for those with statutory health insurance and transfer child sickness benefit days to the other parent
- Apply for child supplement
- Apply for cinema project funding
- Apply for clarification of the pension insurance account of ethnic German repatriates and displaced persons
- Apply for company certification for the climate-friendly installation, maintenance and servicing of systems with fluorinated greenhouse gases
- Apply for compulsory insurance in the statutory pension insurance scheme as a self-employed person
- Apply for cost coverage for measures to induce pregnancy or for cryopreservation measures for people with statutory health insurance
- Apply for cost exemption for the integration course
- Apply for day and night care for people in need of care under social long-term care insurance
- Apply for day registration for a vehicle
- Apply for deferment BIN at customs
- Apply for deferral of payment for import duties
- Apply for designation as an examination body for sewage sludge examinations in waste management
- Apply for designation as an expert for long-term storage facilities in accordance with the Landfill Ordinance
- Apply for designation as an inspection body for waste wood in waste management
- Apply for designation as a test center (PSfF) for conducting theory tests for remote pilots
- Apply for deviating regulations for shift operation
- Apply for driving license around class T
- Apply for early enrollment
- Apply for early repayment of the BAföG loan
- Apply for educational assistance or caregiver aide
- Apply for educational toleration
- Apply for education in a day group
- Apply for energy tax relief for agricultural and forestry businesses
- Apply for entry in the register of crafts that are exempt from licensing or in the register of trades similar to crafts
- Apply for entry of the training contract in the register of vocational training relationships according to BBiG
- Apply for environmental bonus for electric vehicles (subsidy expired)
- Apply for European Firearms Pass
- Apply for European Technical Assessment (ETA)
- Apply for evaluation of mixtures containing basic substances
- Apply for excavation in public traffic areas
- Apply for execution permit for flying constructions
- Apply for exemption from compulsory insurance with the agricultural pension fund as an entrepreneur
- Apply for exemption from compulsory insurance with the agricultural pension fund for income outside agriculture
- Apply for exemption from co-payments in statutory health insurance
- Apply for exemption from registration in the register of craftsmen
- Apply for exemption from the minimum age for shooting at shooting ranges to promote competitive sport
- Apply for exemption from the obligation to keep records and registers for waste management operators
- Apply for exemption from the obligation to obtain a license as an insurance intermediary
- Apply for exemption from the tax consultant examination
- Apply for exemptions from prohibitions in travel trade
- Apply for extension of a residence permit for job search after research activity
- Apply for extension of a residence permit for job search for qualified professionals with professional training
- Apply for extension of driver's license for class B
- Apply for extension of residence permit for children born in Germany
- Apply for extension of residence permit for conditional admission to studies or part-time studies
- Apply for extension of residence permit for job search for professionals with academic education
- Apply for extension of residence permit for recognition of professional qualification during employment
- Apply for extension of residence permit for recognition of professional qualification on the basis of an agreement of the Federal Employment Agency
- Apply for extension of residence permit for the purpose of study application
- Apply for extension of residence permit to attend a general education school
- Apply for extension of residence permit to participate in the European Voluntary Service
- Apply for extension of the residence permit for a study-related internship EU
- Apply for extension of the travel business card
- Apply for family insurance in the statutory health insurance scheme
- Apply for farm and household help from agricultural accident insurance
- Apply for farm and household help from the agricultural health insurance fund
- Apply for farm and household help from the agricultural pension fund
- Apply for federal coronavirus bridging aid for professional sport
- Apply for federal film funding for the distribution of cinema films
- Apply for federal film funding for the screenplay or treatment of a children's film
- Apply for frequencies for ground radio stations for aeronautical and air navigation radio
- Apply for frequencies for trunked radio
- Apply for frequency allocation for analog railroad mobile radio
- Apply for frequency allocation for GNSS repeaters
- Apply for frequency allocation for point-to-point radio relay
- Apply for frequency allocation for satellite radio (SNG)
- Apply for frequency allocation for wireless network access (campus networks)
- Apply for full inpatient home care for people with long-term care insurance
- Apply for funding as part of the Future Cinema Program
- Apply for funding for "Käte Hamburger Kollegs"
- Apply for funding for advice on women's participation in the labor market
- Apply for funding for a new project or a continuation project from the "Media and Freedom of Expression" funding program
- Apply for funding for a new project or a continuation project from the "Political Foundations" funding program
- Apply for funding for a new project or a continuation project from the "Transitional aid from the KWI title" funding program
- Apply for funding for a new project or a continuation project in the area of development partnerships with the private sector
- Apply for funding for a resource-efficient circular economy for companies
- Apply for funding for a resource-efficient circular economy for research institutions
- Apply for funding for basic and advanced training to obtain the youth leader card (JuLeiCa)
- Apply for funding for children's and youth trips
- Apply for funding for coaching at vocational schools and regional vocational training centers (RBZ)
- Apply for funding for community-oriented integration projects
- Apply for funding for digitization of films with special value
- Apply for funding for energy consulting for residential buildings
- Apply for funding for energy consulting for SMEs
- Apply for funding for entrepreneurial know-how for SMEs
- Apply for funding for follow-up project German Film Award
- Apply for funding for further vocational training at the Jobcenter
- Apply for funding for further vocational training from the employment agency
- Apply for funding for German-Polish art and cultural projects
- Apply for funding for household solar panels ("balcony power plants")
- Apply for funding for in-company training for people with disabilities who are fully incapacitated for work
- Apply for funding for individual projects of cultural institutions and tasks in Germany
- Apply for funding for individual projects of literary institutions and tasks in Germany
- Apply for funding for innovation-supporting services and new technology transfer structures
- Apply for funding for integrated urban development projects in the field of sustainable urban mobility
- Apply for funding for integration measures
- Apply for funding for international youth exchanges
- Apply for funding for investments to optimize energy efficiency in educational institutions and youth work facilities
- Apply for funding for land revitalization and/or remediation of contaminated sites
- Apply for funding for literacy courses
- Apply for funding for material development for feature-length documentaries
- Apply for funding for measures to secure skilled workers
- Apply for funding for model project in political education
- Apply for funding for model projects for the preservation of written cultural heritage
- Apply for funding for new and continued social structure policy projects
- Apply for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete a training course
- Apply for funding for process and organizational innovations
- Apply for funding for projects by universities, research institutions and companies in the field of ICT research
- Apply for funding for projects for cultural mediation and the preservation of cultural assets
- Apply for funding for projects of small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of artificial intelligence
- Apply for funding for projects under the "Special Program for the Preservation of Written Cultural Heritage"
- Apply for funding for renewable heating and cooling supplies
- Apply for funding for research and development projects
- Apply for funding for research and development projects
- Apply for funding for research and development projects as well as measures for technology and knowledge transfer in the field of organic farming
- Apply for funding for scientific projects for the preservation, research and communication of German culture and history in Eastern Europe
- Apply for funding for supplementary integration measures for ethnic German repatriates
- Apply for funding for technologies for collaboration and educational formats (digital learning)
- Apply for funding for the "Health research - GO-Bio initial" program
- Apply for funding for the "KMU-innovativ: Electronics and autonomous driving" program
- Apply for funding for the "KMU-innovativ: Information and communication technology (ICT)" program
- Apply for funding for the "KMU-innovativ: Materials research (ProMat_KMU)" program
- Apply for funding for the "KMU-innovativ: Photonics and quantum technologies" program
- Apply for funding for the "KMU-innovativ: Resource efficiency and climate protection" program
- Apply for funding for the "Software Sprint - Support for Open Source Developers" program
- Apply for funding for the concept development of digital games - Module 1
- Apply for funding for the development of interfaces for existing and new specialist procedures and information systems
- Apply for funding for the expansion and further development of an AI transfer hub and for the establishment and operation of an AI application center
- Apply for funding for the production of a feature film or documentary
- Apply for funding for the production of feature-length children's films and children's short films
- Apply for funding for the production preparation of full-length children's film projects
- Apply for funding for the program "Measures to support universities in cross-border networking and applications to strengthen innovative capacity in the European Research Area (FH-Europe)"
- Apply for funding for the program "Research for civil security - innovations in action - practical lighthouses of civil security"
- Apply for funding for the program "Validation of the technological and social innovation potential of scientific research - VIP+"
- Apply for funding for youth education measures
- Apply for funding for youth hostels
- Apply for funding from the "Funding Network for Interdisciplinary Social Policy Research - FIS" program
- Apply for funding from the "Nationally valuable cultural monuments" preservation program
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus "Future Centers" program
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus "INQA Coaching" program
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus federal program "Gemeinsam für Qualität: Kinder beteiligen im Ganztag"
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Akti(F) Plus - Active for families and their children"
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Education, Work, Economy in the Neighborhood - BIWAQ"
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "EhAP Plus - Inclusion helps to combat the exclusion of the most disadvantaged"
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Give advice - Yes to training!"
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Integration through Qualification (IQ)"
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "JUGEND STÄRKEN - Brücken in die Eigenständigkeit"
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "JUVENTUS: Strengthening mobility - for a social Europe"
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "KOMPASS - Compact help for solo self-employed"
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "rückenwind³ for diversity, change and sustainability in the social economy"
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Shaping change in work in a social partnership: further training and promoting equality"
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "Win-Win - Cooperation for Integration"
- Apply for funding from the ESF Plus program "WIR - Networks integrate refugees into the regional labor market"
- Apply for funding under the funding guideline "KMU-innovativ: Research for civil security"
- Apply for funding via the Cultural Foundation of the State of Schleswig-Holstein
- Apply for general authorization as a translator
- Apply for general rulings for foodstuffs
- Apply for German citizenship (for foreigners eligible for naturalization)
- Apply for grants for consulting to promote entrepreneurial know-how
- Apply for grants for political education events (funding guidelines)
- Apply for grants for training at the German Olympic Sports Confederation's Trainer Academy in Cologne
- Apply for green gun ownership card as heir
- Apply for green weapon possession card for individual person
- Apply for gun license
- Apply for gun ownership card for hunting associations
- Apply for gun ownership card for shooting sports club
- Apply for hardship waiver of BAföG repayment debt after refusal of a cooperation waiver
- Apply for help for young adults
- Apply for help to overcome special social difficulties
- Apply for inclusion of a digital health application (DiGA) in the DiGA directory
- Apply for individual appointment of examiners
- Apply for individual support for participation in working life
- Apply for infection protection instruction including certificate
- Apply for innovation funding for projects in agriculture and forestry, viticulture and horticulture as well as fisheries and aquaculture
- Apply for inpatient preventive services such as a cure for people with statutory health insurance
- Apply for insolvency money
- Apply for inspector authorization from the Federal Aviation Office
- Apply for instructor approval and proof of qualification for dangerous goods in air transport
- Apply for integration assistance for adults with disabilities, minors with physical or mental disabilities or sensory impairments
- Apply for intensive individual socio-educational support
- Apply for issuance of the driver qualification certificate
- Apply for key number 96 or key number 196 for class B
- Apply for license to practice as a psychotherapist with professional qualification from EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for license to practice dentistry with professional qualification from EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for licensure as a dentist with professional qualifications from third countries
- Apply for licensure as a psychotherapist with professional qualifications from third countries
- Apply for location-based frequency usage parameter determination for wireless network access
- Apply for longer daily working hours
- Apply for mandatory status clarification for family members working for the company or managing partners
- Apply for maternity benefit as a privately insured person or with a statutory health insurance fund as a family insured person
- Apply for medical rehabilitation at the expense of pension insurance
- Apply for medical rehabilitation benefits from the Agricultural Old-Age Insurance Fund
- Apply for miners' compensation benefit (KAL) for miners
- Apply for model projects in the field of integration
- Apply for modification certification of terminal devices for BOS digital radio
- Apply for motor vehicle assistance for persons with statutory accident insurance
- Apply for multiplier training in the area of integration
- Apply for municipal funding for associations
- Apply for municipal funding for climate protection
- Apply for naturalization
- Apply for new vineyards for wine
- Apply for number assignment for recreational or commercial shipping (Ship Station License)
- Apply for official acts subject to customs costs
- Apply for old-age pension for long-term insured persons
- Apply for old-age pension for severely disabled people
- Apply for one-off benefits
- Apply for one or more theoretical examinations for aviation personnel
- Apply for on-the-job training (OJT) in individual cases
- Apply for operating licence for pharmacy
- Apply for or terminate voluntary membership of statutory health insurance
- Apply for orthodontic treatment and reimbursement of the co-payment for orthodontic treatment from the statutory health insurance fund
- Apply for other assistance as individual benefits for participation in working life
- Apply for outpatient or inpatient hospice care from the statutory health insurance fund
- Apply for parental allowance
- Apply for partial unemployment benefit
- Apply for participation in an amateur radio examination
- Apply for participation in the control reporting procedure for relief from withholding tax
- Apply for payment relief for companies from the Artists' Social Security Fund
- Apply for payment relief for insured persons with the Artists' Social Security Fund
- Apply for permission to access the beach
- Apply for permission to acquire and possess weapons and ammunition (weapons possession card)
- Apply for permission to act as a tax representative for airlines
- Apply for permission to act as a tax representative of a mail order company for alcohol products
- Apply for permission to care for children
- Apply for permission to count jobs with less than 18 hours per week towards a compulsory job
- Apply for permission to establish a stock exchange
- Apply for permission to hold open-air assemblies and processions in the pacified district
- Apply for permission to manufacture medicinal products
- Apply for permission to organize or broker a game of chance
- Apply for permission to practice medicine
- Apply for permission to restrict traffic areas
- Apply for permission to shorten the beak tips of laying hens and poultry
- Apply for permission to shorten the connective tissue end of the tail of male calves under three months old
- Apply for permission to show people for commercial purposes
- Apply for permission to take up waste management activities
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of dietician
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of emergency paramedic
- Apply for permission to use the professional title of speech therapist
- Apply for permission to work as an insurance adviser
- Apply for permission to work as an insurance intermediary
- Apply for permit for large and heavy transport
- Apply for phytosanitary certificates for the export of plants and plant products to countries outside the EU.
- Apply for planning approval for measures in the area of federal trunk roads
- Apply for planning approval for measures in the area of federal waterways
- Apply for preferential simplification
- Apply for pre-registration in the aircraft register
- Apply for private storage aid for beef
- Apply for private storage aid for butter
- Apply for private storage aid for cheese
- Apply for private storage aid for pigmeat
- Apply for private storage aid for sheepmeat and goatmeat
- Apply for private storage aid for skimmed milk powder
- Apply for private storage aid for sugar
- Apply for professional advancement training funding
- Apply for project funding from the equalization fund for supra-regional projects for the participation of severely disabled people in working life
- Apply for proof of general operating license for vehicles and trailers from the former GDR
- Apply for provisional restaurant permit
- Apply for public financial aid for the commercial sector as part of regional economic development
- Apply for recognition as a body for language examinations for aviation personnel
- Apply for recognition as a childhood educator with professional qualification from abroad.
- Apply for recognition as a Designated Body (BSt)
- Apply for recognition as a farrier or blacksmith
- Apply for recognition as a geriatric nursing assistant with a foreign professional qualification
- Apply for recognition as a guardianship association
- Apply for recognition as a healthcare and nursing professional with a professional qualification from the EU/EEA/Switzerland under the Nursing Act by the end of 2024
- Apply for recognition as a healthcare and nursing professional with professional qualifications from third countries under the Nursing Act by the end of 2024
- Apply for recognition as a healthcare and pediatric nurse with a professional qualification from a third country
- Apply for recognition as a healthcare and pediatric nurse with a professional qualification from the EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for recognition as a landscape architect with professional qualification from abroad
- Apply for recognition as a midwife with a professional qualification that is automatically recognized
- Apply for recognition as a midwife with a professional qualification that is not automatically recognized
- Apply for recognition as an architect with professional qualification from abroad
- Apply for recognition as an ECM certification body (ECMZ)
- Apply for recognition as an expert for high-pressure gas pipelines
- Apply for recognition as an expert organization for facilities handling substances hazardous to water
- Apply for recognition as an Independent Valuation Body (UBS)
- Apply for recognition as an interior designer with professional qualification from abroad
- Apply for recognition as a Notified Body (NB)
- Apply for recognition as a nurse with a professional qualification from a third country
- Apply for recognition as a nurse with a professional qualification from the EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for recognition as a nursing assistant or nursing assistant with professional qualification from abroad
- Apply for recognition as a paramedic with professional qualification from abroad
- Apply for recognition as a pharmaceutical consultant
- Apply for recognition as a social pedagogue or social worker with professional training from abroad
- Apply for recognition as a special educator with professional qualification from abroad
- Apply for recognition as a specialist dentist with a professional qualification from the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland.
- Apply for recognition as a state-certified food chemist
- Apply for recognition as a test expert or test expert for technical systems
- Apply for recognition as a veterinarian with professional qualification from EU/EEA/Switzerland
- Apply for recognition as a veterinarian with professional qualifications from third countries
- Apply for recognition as a water rescue unit
- Apply for recognition at a private university
- Apply for recognition for radon measurements in the workplace
- Apply for recognition of a course for the acquisition or updating of the required expertise in radiation protection
- Apply for recognition of conformity assessment bodies for measuring instruments
- Apply for red gun permit for gun or ammunition collector
- Apply for red gun permit for weapons or ammunition experts
- Apply for reduced customs duties for goods imported for end use
- Apply for reduction of KiTa costs
- Apply for reference film funding Screenplay Preproduction
- Apply for registration as an expert in the list of energy efficiency experts
- Apply for registration as a small craftsman entrepreneur in the register of the locally competent Chamber of Crafts and Trades
- Apply for registration certificate part II
- Apply for registration in the air sports equipment register for certification-free ultralight sports equipment
- Apply for registration in the EMAS Register
- Apply for registration of persons offering debt collection services
- Apply for registration of persons offering pension advice as a legal service
- Apply for registration of the ELT emergency transmitter
- Apply for rehabilitation aftercare from the pension insurance fund
- Apply for reimbursement, remission or refund of the tax on sparkling wine and intermediate products
- Apply for reimbursement from the statutory health insurance fund
- Apply for reimbursement of costs for damaged or destroyed aids
- Apply for reimbursement of costs for remedies under statutory accident insurance
- Apply for reimbursement of fare losses on local public transport
- Apply for reimbursement of input tax paid in Germany by companies from other EU Member States
- Apply for reimbursement of input tax paid in other EU member states
- Apply for reimbursement of lost fares on long-distance services
- Apply for reimbursement of overpaid contributions for statutory health insurance and social long-term care insurance
- Apply for reimbursement of remuneration paid during maternity leave
- Apply for reimbursement of social security contributions as a supplementary benefit to the seasonal short-time allowance
- Apply for reimbursement of the cost contribution (50 percent) for the integration course
- Apply for reimbursement of work lost when working for the Federal Agency for Technical Relief
- Apply for relief from electricity tax for companies
- Apply for remission or reimbursement of tobacco tax
- Apply for renewal of approval as a classification undertaking for carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep
- Apply for replacement of damaged or destroyed aids
- Apply for residence permit for children born in Germany
- Apply for residence permit for job search for skilled workers with vocational training
- Apply for residence permit for mobile researchers
- Apply for resident certificate
- Apply for seasonal license plates for vehicles
- Apply for seasonal short-time allowance
- Apply for settlement permit for EU Blue Card holders
- Apply for settlement permit for highly qualified professionals
- Apply for settlement permit for minor foreign children
- Apply for settlement permit for self-employed
- Apply for short-time allowance
- Apply for simplifications in the determination of the customs value
- Apply for site-specific frequency usage parameter determination for digital railroad mobile radio
- Apply for small arms license
- Apply for social assistance
- Apply for social pedagogical family assistance
- Apply for special authorization according to FCL.1000b
- Apply for sports funding from the state
- Apply for state funding for a model project to protect and structurally strengthen journalistic work
- Apply for status as an "authorized consignor" for the Union transit procedure
- Apply for storage permit for explosive substances
- Apply for stress testing and occupational therapy from the statutory health insurance fund
- Apply for subsequent certification of a marriage contracted by Germans abroad or with their participation
- Apply for subsequent certification of a marriage entered into abroad by persons recognized as stateless or recognized as refugees or with their participation
- Apply for subsequent inclusion of spouses and descendants in the late resettler admission decision
- Apply for subsidies for owner-occupied housing
- Apply for subsidies for the training and employment of people with disabilities from the employment agency
- Apply for subsidies for training and employment of people with disabilities at the Jobcenter
- Apply for supplementary winter allowance as an additional benefit instead of seasonal short-time allowance
- Apply for support for returning to work
- Apply for support for successful training/entry qualification (assisted training)
- Apply for support for the employment of long-term unemployed people
- Apply for tax relief for alcopops
- Apply for the Cinema Program Award
- Apply for the construction of a footpath crossing
- Apply for the establishment of a new German air carrier
- Apply for the extension of the driver's license for class L
- Apply for the extension of the driver's license for the classes AM, A1, A2 or A
- Apply for the extension of the driving license of categories A1 or A2 by the next higher category
- Apply for the funeral costs to be covered
- Apply for the German Bookstore Award
- Apply for the German Publishing Award
- Apply for the issuance of a permanent residence card for third-country national family members of citizens of the Union who are entitled to freedom of movement
- Apply for the issue of an amateur radio examination certificate or an amateur radio certificate
- Apply for the option for companies based in other EU countries to tax goods in the One-Stop-Shop (OSS)
- Apply for the option for companies based in the EU to tax goods in the Mini-One-Stop-Shop (M1SS)
- Apply for the option for companies based in the EU to tax goods in the One-Stop-Shop (OSS)
- Apply for the option to tax goods with a material value of up to EUR 150 in the Import-One-Stop-Shop (IOSS)
- Apply for the renewal of a driving license of classes D, DE, D1 or D1E
- Apply for the rental program award
- Apply for the SHORT TIGER short film award
- Apply for the status of Authorized Economic Operator
- Apply for the tax consultant examination
- Apply for the use of short film award funds for the production or preparation of a short film
- Apply for the use of special closures
- Apply for trailer class E
- Apply for training allowance
- Apply for transfer measures
- Apply for transfer short-time allowance
- Apply for transportation of war weapons by ship or plane outside the federal territory
- Apply for type approval for devices with radioactive substances and systems for generating ionizing radiation
- Apply for type approval for structures with a specific system
- Apply for unemployment benefit
- Apply for unemployment benefit for former temporary soldiers
- Apply for variable license plates
- Apply for vehicle registration information (holder information) as an authorized person
- Apply for video funding
- Apply for vocational training allowance
- Apply for voluntary continued insurance in the social long-term care insurance scheme
- Apply for voluntary continued insurance in the unemployment insurance scheme
- Apply for voluntary insurance in the statutory pension insurance scheme
- Apply for voluntary labeling of foreign food with the animal husbandry method
- Apply for voluntary status clarification
- Apply for workshop card for the first time
- Apply for yellow weapon possession card for individual sport shooter
- Apply for your data stored in the Central Register of Foreigners to be blocked for transmission
- Apply for zoo permit
- Applying for, extending or renewing a rating or instructor rating for a pilot's license
- Applying for "approved exhibitor" status to prove the Union status of goods
- Applying for (new) approval for microlight aircraft
- Applying for (partial) exemption from German capital gains tax for foreign corporations
- Applying for access to Stasi files as a public or non-public body
- Applying for a certificate of competence in accordance with the Explosives Act
- Applying for a certificate of miscarriage
- Applying for a civil partnership certificate
- Applying for a company card for the first time
- Applying for a deferral with the customs administration
- Applying for a different rest period
- Applying for admission as a European lawyer to a bar association
- Applying for admission as a patent attorney
- Applying for admission of a patent law firm
- Applying for a driver card for the commercial transport of goods and passengers for the first time
- Applying for a driving instructor license
- Applying for a duplicate of a radio operator's certificate
- Applying for a guide dog as an aid
- Applying for a half or full orphan's pension
- Applying for a license for foreign transactions with war weapons
- Applying for a license plate for electrically powered vehicles (e-license plate)
- Applying for a marriage certificate
- Applying for an A1 certificate for an employee who is posted abroad in Europe
- Applying for an accident insurance pension in the event of a reduction in earning capacity of at least 40 percent
- Applying for an employment permit for persons with a residence permit
- Applying for an EORI number
- Applying for an EU certificate of conformity for dentists
- Applying for an EU certificate of conformity for doctors
- Applying for an EU certificate of conformity for pharmacists
- Applying for a new driver's license due to theft, illegibility or loss
- Applying for a new license for pilots
- Applying for a new occupation requiring formal training for persons with disability
- Applying for an exemption and overflight permit for the transportation of dangerous goods by air
- Applying for an exemption certificate for tax-privileged foreign investors in investment funds
- Applying for an exemption from the ban on working on Sundays and public holidays
- Applying for an exemption from the minimum age for the issue of a driving license
- Applying for an export license for cultural property
- Applying for an extension of a residence permit for refugees
- Applying for an extension of a residence permit for the purpose of employment for (formerly) qualified tolerated persons
- Applying for an extension of a residence permit for the purpose of gainful employment for freelancers
- Applying for an extension of a residence permit for the purpose of self-employment
- Applying for an extension of a residence permit to look for a job after studies
- Applying for an extension of the building permit for the change of use of a facility
- Applying for an extension of the building permit for the construction of an installation
- Applying for an extension of the building permit for the modification of an installation
- Applying for an extension of the identification number of a type of husbandry
- Applying for an extension of the mining license
- Applying for an extension of the mining license
- Applying for an extension of the preliminary building permit
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for a foreign spouse to join a German spouse
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for company training and further education
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for exceptional hardship cases
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for mobile researchers
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for the family reunification of a foreign child with a German parent
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for the purpose of research
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for the reunification of other family members with a German citizen
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for the spouse to join foreigners
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit for victims of a crime according to §§ 232 to 233a of the Criminal Code
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit in the case of a deportation ban
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit to carry out a qualification measure
- Applying for an extension of the residence permit to take an examination for the recognition of a foreign professional qualification
- Applying for an identity card for German nationals with permanent residence abroad
- Applying for a noise protection certificate
- Applying for an old-age pension for miners who have worked underground for many years
- Applying for an operating license for a hospital pharmacy
- Applying for an operating license for a vehicle without registration
- Applying for a partial building permit for the construction of a system
- Applying for a partial building permit for the modification of an installation
- Applying for a passport abroad
- Applying for a pension due to death in the event of disappearance
- Applying for a permit for a cultivation association for the communal cultivation and distribution of cannabis
- Applying for a permit for a prostitution business
- Applying for a permit for electrofishing
- Applying for a permit for national insemination centres and national embryo collection teams
- Applying for a permit for the construction and operation of genetic engineering facilities
- Applying for a permit for the temporary export of national treasures to a third country
- Applying for a permit to import and export protected plant and animal species
- Applying for a permit to operate custody facilities
- Applying for a pilot license for the first time
- Applying for approval for aircraft
- Applying for approval for care facilities
- Applying for approval for maritime surveillance
- Applying for approval of a new plant variety
- Applying for approval of an inspection body for organic farming
- Applying for approval of exemptions and issuing general rulings for tobacco and related products
- Applying for approval of health claims on foods
- Applying for approval of new substances for plastics in food contact materials
- Applying for approval of novel tobacco products
- Applying for approval to conduct clinical trials of medical devices
- Applying for approval to hold a major security-related event
- Applying for approval to operate or significantly change the operation of a technical X-ray facility
- Applying for a preliminary consultation procedure for cross-border matters
- Applying for a preliminary decision on a plant requiring a permit
- Applying for a proxy permit for the commercial manufacture and/or trade of weapons
- Applying for a reduced earning capacity pension
- Applying for a reduced earning capacity pension in the event of occupational disability
- Applying for a refund, remission or reimbursement of alcohol tax
- Applying for a refund, remission or reimbursement of beer tax
- Applying for a refund, remission or reimbursement of coffee tax
- Applying for a refund of capital gains tax on investment funds
- Applying for a refund of capital gains tax paid to persons resident abroad
- Applying for a refund or remission of import duties
- Applying for a replacement copy of a recreational craft license
- Applying for a replacement for a lost registration certificate part II (vehicle registration document)
- Applying for a replacement issue of the permit certificate or joint license
- Applying for a replacement Long Range Certificate (LRC)
- Applying for a replacement permit for a hospitality business that requires a permit
- Applying for a replacement Short Range Certificate (SRC)
- Applying for a replacement VHF radiotelephony certificate (UBI)
- Applying for a research permit for archaeological excavations to discover monuments
- Applying for a residence permit extension to look for a job after vocational training
- Applying for a residence permit for company training and further education for training and further education purposes
- Applying for a residence permit for exceptional hardship cases
- Applying for a residence permit for recognition of professional qualifications during employment
- Applying for a residence permit for the purpose of employment for qualified tolerated persons
- Applying for a residence permit for the purpose of research for beneficiaries of international protection
- Applying for a residence permit for the purpose of school-based vocational training
- Applying for a residence permit for the spouse to join foreigners
- Applying for a residence permit for victims of a criminal offense under Sections 232 to 233a StGB
- Applying for a residence permit to look for a job for professionals with academic training
- Applying for a residence permit to work as a civil servant for a German employer
- Applying for a separate assessment for the tax refund of capital contributions in accordance with the German Corporation Tax Act
- Applying for a Short Range Certificate (SRC) conversion
- Applying for a short-term license to participate in the amateur radio service
- Applying for a simplified operator certificate for unmanned aircraft systems (LUC)
- Applying for a special permit for marking
- Applying for a special permit to fish in fishways
- Applying for a special use permit for advertising in public spaces
- Applying for a special use permit for outdoor advertising in public spaces outside built-up areas
- Applying for a special use permit for roads outside a built-up area
- Applying for a special use permit to offer goods and services in public areas
- Applying for a stay of execution
- Applying for a supplement to the disabled person's pass with or without a token
- Applying for a transfer license for the intra-Community transport of civil explosives
- Applying for a transfer of the mining license
- Applying for a transfer of the mining license
- Applying for authorization to import animals and goods from other EU countries
- Applying for authorization to manufacture and place war weapons on the market
- Applying for authorization to temporarily practice the veterinary profession for veterinarians from EU member states
- Applying for a VAT refund as an embassy, consulate or its member
- Applying for a vehicle to be taken out of service
- Applying for a visa for a short stay in Germany and the Schengen area
- Applying for a widow's or widower's pension
- Applying for batch release of vaccines as veterinary medicinal products
- Applying for benefits for carers in acute care situations and care leave under social long-term care insurance
- Applying for benefits in the event of damage to health as a result of service in the Bundeswehr
- Applying for care allowance under social long-term care insurance
- Applying for child-raising and child allowance periods in statutory pension insurance
- Applying for combined benefits for people with long-term care insurance
- Applying for compensation for an accident insurance pension in the event of a reduction in earning capacity of less than 40 percent
- Applying for compensation for vaccination damage
- Applying for compulsory insurance and contributions to pension insurance for tradespeople in craft businesses
- Applying for consideration of a job-related relocation to avoid the closure of the housing subsidy account
- Applying for copies of driving licenses
- Applying for deregistration for a vehicle without registration
- Applying for deviations, exceptions and exemptions for building projects for which planning permission is not required
- Applying for deviations from building law requirements, from the provisions of a development plan or urban development statutes or from the provisions of the Land Use Ordinance
- Applying for dissolution of the civil partnership
- Applying for entry in the fishing logbook
- Applying for excursion permits and stationing
- Applying for exemption for platform operators (DAC7)
- Applying for exemption from approval for the change of use of a facility
- Applying for exemption from approval for the construction of a system
- Applying for exemption from approval for the modification of an installation
- Applying for exemption from compulsory insurance in the statutory pension insurance scheme for members of professional pension schemes
- Applying for exemption from compulsory statutory health insurance
- Applying for exemption from railroad operating purposes for a property on which federal railroad operating facilities are located
- Applying for exemption from VAT in other EU member states as an embassy, consulate or member thereof
- Applying for exemptions and alternative verification procedures to European aviation law
- Applying for exemptions from compulsory schooling
- Applying for exemptions from the fishing license requirement
- Applying for exemptions in accordance with the German Food and Feed Code
- Applying for export license plates for vehicles
- Applying for export refunds for agricultural products from the European Union (EU)
- Applying for funding for digitization measures for small businesses - Module 1 (consulting)
- Applying for funding for digitization measures for small businesses - Module 2 (implementation)
- Applying for funding for prototype development of digital games - Module 2
- Applying for funding for the production of digital games - Module 3
- Applying for German citizenship as a foreign national with habitual residence abroad
- Applying for home care for disabled persons with long-term care insurance
- Applying for home nursing care for people with statutory health insurance
- Applying for household help for people with statutory health insurance during pregnancy and after childbirth
- Applying for household help from statutory health insurance
- Applying for information about yourself from the European Visa Information System (VIS)
- Applying for information from the central driving license register
- Applying for information from the Central Register of Foreigners
- Applying for information from the central trade register
- Applying for information from the National Weapons Register
- Applying for information from the site register for genetically modified organisms (non-public part)
- Applying for initial registration of a vehicle from a third country (new registration)
- Applying for leave of absence at the start of compulsory schooling
- Applying for maternity benefit as a person with statutory health insurance
- Applying for matters in connection with a Part 66 license
- Applying for medical rehabilitation for children and young people with pension insurance
- Applying for multiple credit for more than one mandatory job for the employment of severely disabled people
- Applying for mutual agreement and arbitration proceedings under the EU Arbitration Commission
- Applying for naturalization as part of restitution - for persons who were expatriated during National Socialism and their descendants - abroad
- Applying for naturalization for former Germans abroad
- Applying for payment of compensation for damage caused by radiation to game
- Applying for pension compensation for surviving dependants in statutory accident insurance in the event of remarriage
- Applying for pension compensation for surviving spouses from statutory accident insurance in the event of remarriage
- Applying for permission to construct or modify a facility on surface waters
- Applying for permission to drill deep boreholes for geothermal use
- Applying for permission to navigate in waters not intended for shipping
- Applying for permission to operate a capital management company
- Applying for permission to operate a daycare center
- Applying for permission to use the living space for other purposes
- Applying for permits for aircraft operations
- Applying for permits for helicopter flight operations
- Applying for permits to handle alcopops
- Applying for permits to handle sparkling wine, intermediate products and wine
- Applying for permits to handle untaxed coffee
- Applying for planning approval for operating facilities of the federal railroads
- Applying for planning permission for the change of use of a facility
- Applying for planning permission for the change of use of a facility using the simplified procedure
- Applying for planning permission for the construction of an installation
- Applying for planning permission for the construction of an installation using the simplified procedure
- Applying for planning permission for the modification of an installation
- Applying for planning permission for the modification of an installation using the simplified procedure
- Applying for preventive medical services for those insured with statutory health insurance
- Applying for project-related or institutional funding as part of development cooperation
- Applying for public appointment and swearing in as an expert or surveyor
- Applying for public financial aid for the commercial sector as part of regional economic development in the joint Federal Government/Länder scheme for the improvement of regional economic structures (GRW)
- Applying for recognition as a market surveyor
- Applying for recognition of a foreign amateur radio examination certificate or amateur radio authorization
- Applying for recognition of a foreign professional qualification as a career qualification for employment as a state civil servant
- Applying for recognition of a foreign professional qualification as a tax assistant
- Applying for recognition of courses to teach expertise in handling weapons and ammunition
- Applying for recognition of further training qualifications for doctors
- Applying for recognition of mining experts
- Applying for recognition of the building design authorization
- Applying for registration as an operator of unmanned aircraft
- Applying for reimbursement of VAT paid in Germany by entrepreneurs from non-EU countries
- Applying for reimbursement of vehicle tax for the transportation of vehicles by rail
- Applying for reinstatement to the previous status with the Artists' Social Security Fund
- Applying for replacement of flight attendant certificates
- Applying for revocation of the mining permit
- Applying for revocation of the mining permit
- Applying for rights of way for telecommunication lines and telecommunication networks
- Applying for short-term care under long-term care insurance
- Applying for sickness benefit for an accompanying person during inpatient treatment of people with disabilities
- Applying for sickness benefit for self-employed persons in statutory health insurance
- Applying for social assistance for minors in foster care
- Applying for special use of public green spaces
- Applying for special use of public space for work and construction sites
- Applying for special use of public space within a locality
- Applying for substitute care under social long-term care insurance
- Applying for support from a specialist integration service for a person with disabilities
- Applying for temporary flight permits
- Applying for the allocation of frequencies for earth stations in satellite radio
- Applying for the allocation or extension of the allocation period of a callsign for a remote-controlled or automatically operating amateur radio station
- Applying for the appointment of a guardian
- Applying for the first mining permit
- Applying for the first registration of a vehicle from an EU member state
- Applying for the initial issue or amendment of an inspection license for aviation equipment inspectors (PvL)
- Applying for the issue of a registration certificate part I
- Applying for the lifting of the closure period under restaurant law
- Applying for the renewal of an authorized variety
- Applying for the transfer of a Long Range Certificate (LRC)
- Applying for the transfer of recognized qualifications to a recreational craft licence
- Applying for transitional allowance for pensioners
- Applying for transitional allowance for people with disabilities
- Applying for transportation of war weapons within the federal territory
- Applying for vocational training for people with disabilities who are fully incapacitated for work
- Applying for voluntary insurance and voluntary supplementary insurance in agricultural accident insurance
- Apply online for an employer service with a job offer
- Apply to amend your funding application for projects to promote social structure in partner countries
- Apply to close your housing subsidy account
- Apply to set up an attachment protection account
- Apply to the BMZ for funding for new and continuing vocational education and training projects
- Apply to the care insurance fund for a residential group supplement for people in need of care
- Apply to the customs administration for remission or reimbursement on the grounds of equity
- Apply to the customs administration for the transfer of electronic accounting abroad
- Apply to the Employment Agency for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Apply to the employment agency for reimbursement of costs for trial employment of people with disabilities
- Apply to the employment agency for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the employment agency for work aids for people with disabilities in training and employment
- Apply to the Federal Archives for use of images
- Apply to the Federal Aviation Office for an examination for technical personnel
- Apply to the Federal Railway Authority for the provision of an electronic file for inspection
- Apply to the job center for funding for people with disabilities who would like to complete further training
- Apply to the job center for reimbursement of costs for trial employment of people with disabilities
- Apply to the Jobcenter for support for participation in external vocational training
- Apply to the Jobcenter for work aids for people with disabilities in training and employment
- Apply to the statutory health insurance fund for reimbursement of abortion costs
- Appoint animal welfare officer
- Appoint management staff for German airlines
- Appointment of tax representatives
- Apprentice role
- Approval for 100 km/h for motor vehicles with trailers (combinations)
- Approvals of establishments and facilities for intra-Community trade in accordance with the Single Market Animal Health Regulation
- Arrange dismantling measurement
- Arrange support from the guardianship authority as a volunteer guardian
- As an employee family member (Mifa), apply for exemption from compulsory insurance with the agricultural pension fund
- As an insurance undertaking, report the appointment of a member of the administrative or supervisory board
- As an insured person, contact the Künstlersozialkasse for information, advice or clarification of concerns
- As an international organization or its member, apply for exemption from VAT in other EU member states
- As an IT service provider, enter or change master data in EMCS
- Assignment of street names
- Assistance for the elderly: everyday support services
- Assumption of the costs of medicines and dressings in the event of an accident at work or occupational illness
- Assumption of travel expenses by the agricultural employers' liability insurance association
- As the holder of a pilot license, apply for a change of competent authority (Transfer IN)
- As the rights holder, receive information about goods stopped by customs
- Attend information events organized by the Artists' Social Security Fund on compulsory insurance under the Artists' Social Security Act
- Attorney at law: Admission
- Auctioneer trade - apply for permission
- Authorization received for the preparation of weighing certificates for bananas
- Automated tax
- Bathing water quality - Control
- Become a district chimney sweep
- Bed tax
- be entered on the electoral roll as a German citizen living abroad for the European elections
- be entered on the electoral roll for the European elections as a citizen of the Union
- Be exempted from expertise requirement under Chemicals Ozone Layer Ordinance
- Benefits for social participation in statutory accident insurance
- Benefits in the event of a need for care for people with statutory accident insurance
- Benefits under the Maintenance Security Act (USG) for voluntary military service and persons subject to compulsory military service
- be registered or be entered on the electoral roll as a German national for the European elections
- Billposting within local thoroughfares: Approval
- Biosphere reserves
- Biotope protection and maintenance
- Birth: Anonymous
- Boat certificate: Rental of boats
- Border production
- Brexit
- Broadcaster: License
- Broadcasting fee - apply for exemption
- Building expert / building surveyor (general): Recognition
- Building measurement
- Building supervision
- Bundeswehr and THW: clearance certificate
- Business license card
- Business registration: Foreign company
- Business re-registration
- Buying medicines in another EU country
- Cable car operation: approval
- Calculate and pay energy tax
- Calculate and set wastewater levy
- Calculate and set water withdrawal charge
- Call the emergency services
- Call the German Pension Insurance service hotline
- Cancelled lessons
- Card blocking in the event of loss and theft
- Care: Advice
- Care: In old age - care services
- Care: Residential care allowance
- Care courses for family caregivers and caregivers applying for care leave
- Care directive
- Career entry support for pupils
- Carpooling: Display
- Carry out a search of the accused
- Carry out career guidance measures for pupils
- Casino / casino: Apply for a license
- Catering (free of authorisation): issuing of orders
- Catering (free of permits): Prohibition of the business
- Cemeteries
- Census 2022
- Central contact point of the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) for people threatened by right-wing extremist violence
- Certificate of manufacturer qualification for welding steel structures
- Certification in tax matters
- Certification received for participant software for electronic data exchange with the customs administration in the IT procedures ATLAS, AES and EMCS
- Chamber of Architects and Engineers: Tasks
- Chamber of Crafts: Confirmation of membership
- Change, extend or return secure supply chain status
- Change approved funds for research and evaluation projects or for institutional funding in the context of development cooperation
- Change entry in the register of vocational training relationships according to BBiG
- Change income estimate for the artists' social security fund
- Change locks
- Change notification of artists' social security contribution
- Change of gender entry
- Change of name (under public law)
- Change of school
- Change of use of buildings or parts of buildings
- Change order of first names
- Change register entries for rail vehicles
- Change the scheduling of trade fairs, exhibitions or markets
- Checking professional suitability with diagnostic measures for people with disabilities
- Checking the reliability of tradesmen in trades requiring supervision
- Check obligation to pay the artists' social security contribution on shareholder remuneration
- Chemicals: Certificate of competence in accordance with the Chemicals Climate Protection Ordinance
- Chemicals: Certificate of compliance with good laboratory practice (GLP)
- Chemicals: Placing solvent-based paints and varnishes on the market - Permit
- Chemicals Ozone Layer Ordinance: Proof of expertise/training events
- Child and youth protection
- Child and youth telephone
- Choose or change statutory health insurance
- Church tax
- Citizen participation
- Citizens' advice
- Citizens' consultation
- Citizens' hotline on long-term care insurance
- Citizens' initiatives
- Citizens' Service, Citizens' Office, Citizens' Telephone and Website
- Civil partnership: Justification
- Civil protection
- Civil protection in the vicinity of nuclear power plants
- Clarify pension insurance account
- Classification of commercial classes and determination of the weight of meat: recognition of experts
- Climate protection for citizens - apply for funding for non-fossil heating systems
- Clubs
- Collections
- College
- Commissioner for Refugee, Asylum and Immigration Issues of the State of Schleswig-Holstein
- Communicate changes that are important for the receipt of advance maintenance payments
- Communicate formulations of tattooing products
- Communicate mobility for study purposes
- Communicate short-term mobility for research purposes
- Communicate short-term mobility of company employees for the purpose of gainful employment (intra-company transfer)
- Communicating cross-border tax arrangements
- Communicating the outsourcing of tasks as a capital management company
- Community of heirs: Settlement of heirs and action for division of the estate
- Company audit by the Artists' Social Security Fund
- Company number for social security notifications assigned on request
- Compensation association in cooperation with the Artists' Social Security Fund
- Compensatory measure due to misappropriation of living space
- Competition disputes Arbitration board
- Complaining to the Federal Network Agency about postal and parcel service providers
- Complete an entry or exit summary declaration online
- Complete an EU A1/A3 certificate of competence for unmanned aircraft
- Complete federal voluntary service
- Comply with obligations to cooperate under the Tax Haven Defense Act
- Conclude a purchase contract to take butter into intervention stocks
- Confirmation of registration
- Consequences of the dissolution of an equalization association founded in cooperation with the Artists' Social Security Fund
- Constructing, modifying, operating ferry and shipping facilities: Permit
- Construction products: Manufacture of non-regulated construction products - Permit
- Consumer protection
- Consumption metering (heat, water): Expert body - confirmation of suitability
- Contact the Employer Service
- Control measures for the leakage of water-hazardous substances
- Converting a civil partnership into a marriage
- Convert service driver's license to general driver's license
- Conveyance
- Corruption / Corruption prevention: Receiving information
- Cosmetics: Report undesirable effects and damage to health
- Counseling assistance
- Counseling center for sexually transmitted infections and HIV
- Counselling for people with disabilities - State Commissioner
- Crafts: Prohibition of vocational training preparation
- Craft trades: Cross-border provision of services
- Create donation receipt
- Create report on rail market survey
- Critical infrastructures: demonstrating compliance with the state of the art
- Crop Protection Service - Advertisement
- Cross Compliance Review
- CRS - Submit notification of a missing self-declaration
- Customs control - import bans
- Customs passport booklet (Carnet-ATA)
- Dangerous dogs: breeding ban
- Dangerous dogs: permit for keeping, leash requirement
- Dangerous dogs: training and training
- Dangerous goods: Transportation
- Dangerous goods driver examination
- Dangerous wild animals: exemption from the ban on keeping them
- Data collection for transport and traffic statistics
- Data collection in the economy on environmentally relevant topics
- Data protection
- Debt advice center: Recognition as a "suitable center"
- Debtor and consumer insolvency advice
- Decision on the approval requirement for modifications to already approved vehicles
- Declaration by the adoption applicants that they are willing to adopt the child proposed to them.
- Declaration of waiver of certification of old-age provision and basic pension contracts ("Riester" or "Rürup")
- Declare change of gender entry and first names
- Declare cross-border shipments of commercial goods to customs online via the Union transit procedure
- Declare diplomatic or consular goods to customs
- Declare goods to customs when transporting for NATO or partner forces
- Declare postal or courier shipments up to EUR 150.00 to customs
- Declare renunciation of amateur radio license or call sign allocations
- Declare withdrawal from a theoretical examination for aviation personnel
- Declare your willingness to adopt a child from abroad as an adoption applicant
- Declaring goods to customs when exporting via the Internet
- Declaring goods to customs when importing via the Internet
- Declaring joint custody of a child
- Declaring removal goods to customs
- Declaring renunciation of German citizenship - for persons abroad
- Delete registered training relationship in the register of vocational training relationships according to BBiG
- Deportation / Measures terminating residence
- Deregistering a company, self-employed or freelance activity with the statutory accident insurance
- Deregistering employees for social insurance
- Deregister secondary residence
- Deregister trade
- Deregistration of an X-ray device
- Deregistration of companies or self-employed activities in agriculture, forestry or horticulture
- Deregistration of your insured employees' relatives (Mifas) from the agricultural health insurance fund or long-term care fund and the agricultural old-age insurance fund
- Designate contact point as critical infrastructure operator
- Designate contact point for notifications as operator of energy supply networks
- Determine the tax consequences after entering the payout phase of your pension plan
- Determining the safety of new or amended insurance conditions of pension funds
- Device and product safety: Recognition of monitoring bodies
- Differentiation between craft and non-craft: advice
- Dirty water connection
- Disability / compensation for disadvantages: Determination
- Disaster prevention
- Disclose unaccompanied cash and/or other funds upon request in postal and freight traffic
- Disclose unaccompanied cash on entry and exit from a third country in postal and freight traffic upon request
- Display a change to your personal data
- Display acquisition of a weapon
- Display activities with pathogens
- Display bank details to the tax authority for the first time
- Display changes to certified retirement provision or basic pension contracts
- Display employment of persons in companies with X-ray equipment or interference emitters
- Display inspection, testing, maintenance and repair of X-ray equipment or interference emitters
- Display operation of an X-ray device or significant change in operation
- Display operation of spacecraft
- Display operation or significant change in operation of dental, medical and veterinary X-ray equipment
- Display or apply for a wet lease
- Display the commercial handling of animal by-products
- Display unserviceable or destroyed weapon
- Disposal of animal carcasses, disposal of animal by-products
- Disposal of dog waste (dog waste bags)
- Disposal of sales packaging: Dual system
- Division of properties
- Do a voluntary social year
- Doctors and hospitals in Schleswig-Holstein
- Doctor with training from EU/EEA/Switzerland, recognise professional qualification
- Dogs: Permission to keep dogs commercially
- Dogs: register / deregister
- Drinking water supply and drinking water charge/drinking water fee
- Driver's license: First aid training center - recognition
- Driving ban and driving license revocation
- Driving instructor license: Certificate of competence from another EU country
- Driving instructor test: Admission
- Driving instructor training center: Recognition
- Driving licence for members of the volunteer fire brigades, recognised rescue services and technical assistance services: application
- Driving license: Change name
- Driving license: change of conditions or restrictions
- Driving license: Passenger transport
- Driving license: Status of processing - Information
- Driving license: Transfer of a foreign driving license
- Driving license classes
- Driving license for categories B and BE for accompanied driving from the age of 17
- Driving school: Branch permit
- Drug monitoring
- Dunning procedure
- Early support for the hearing impaired
- Earthworks and foundation engineering: Test expert - Recognition
- Educational counseling
- Educational leave
- Educator with foreign professional qualification, apply for recognition
- Elections
- Electronic income tax card
- Elementary school: transition to secondary school ("orientation level")
- Emergency aid for Germans abroad
- Emissions / immissions: Tolerance, protection
- Encourage the installation of traffic signs
- End international insurance with statutory accident insurance
- Energy certificate
- Energy consulting
- Energy supply: Charges for network access
- Energy supply: Closed distribution networks (object network / industrial or plant networks) - Approval
- Energy supply: Operation of energy supply networks - Authorization
- Engage an election assistant
- Engineer with foreign professional qualification, apply for permission to use the professional title "engineer
- Enquire about your company's account balance with the artists' social security fund
- Ensuring operational safety - applying for a permit to set up and operate filling stations
- Enter or change the tax number or tax identification number in the master data for the use of the Internet Export Declaration Plus (IAA Plus)
- Enter or change your tax number or tax identification number for the EMCS IT procedure for using the Internet EMCS application (IEA)
- Enter the amount of electricity in your tax return and calculate the electricity tax yourself
- Enter the study in the German Register of Clinical Trials
- Enter your name in the crisis prevention list for Germans abroad
- entry in the land register
- Entry in the Register of Craftsmen as a displaced person or ethnic German resettler
- Entry in the register of craftsmen with a domestic examination equivalent to the master craftsman's examination
- Entry in the register of craftsmen with a university degree or technician qualification
- Environmental health protection
- Environmental impact assessment
- Equality for women
- Equal treatment
- Establish a foundation
- Establish licensing requirement for companies in the financial sector
- Euro WC key / disabled WC key
- Events, markets and regional
- Events in public street space: Permission
- Examination for patentability
- examinations for dental, oral and maxillofacial diseases
- Exchange old driver's license for a new one
- Exemption from vehicle tax for registered electric vehicles
- Existing driver's license extended by driver's license class D, D1, DE or D1E
- Expert opinion on the fair value (market value) of developed and undeveloped land
- Explosive ordnance disposal
- Explosive substances: display of possible new substances
- Express interest in joining the pool of examiners of an ATO or report a change
- expropriation of property
- Extended information from the civil register
- Extend existing driver's license by class C, C1, CE or C1E
- Extend residence permit for employment in a civil service position with a German employer
- Extend trademark protection
- Extension of residence permit for the purpose of research for beneficiaries of international protection
- Extension of the residence permit for the continuation of studies begun in another EU country
- Eye test center: Recognition
- Family register / marriage entry
- Feedback received from the Central Office for Financial Transaction Investigations
- Feed control
- File a criminal complaint
- Filing a complaint due to lack of price transparency
- Filing an objection after a tax audit by the Artists' Social Security Fund
- Filing a search request for a preliminary assessment of the protectability of a patent application
- Film levy for broadcasters and program marketers
- Film levy for video program providers and video-on-demand providers
- Film levy from cinema operators
- Final subsidy statement from the Artists' Social Security Fund
- Financial support for temporary servicewomen and men in their integration into civilian working life
- Find out about your insurance history with the agricultural pension fund
- Fine dust sticker/ environmental sticker Information
- Fines imposed by the Künstlersozialkasse for breach of obligations
- Fire prevention inspections (preventive fire protection)
- Fitness to drive: Recognition as an assessment body for fitness to drive
- Fixed shooting range - apply for permission to operate
- Flight instructor - Permit
- Flood protection: promotion of measures
- Floods / flood protection
- Food: Import inspection
- Food (market surveillance)
- Foodstuffs for special medical purposes, infant formulae and certain follow-on formulae for sale in Germany
- Foreigners' affairs
- Foreign professional qualification, recognition of psychotherapeutic training titles in professional fields
- Foreign professional qualification: Recognition as a specialist pharmacist
- Forest products: Commercial collection - Permit
- Forestry: Reproductive material farm - Registration
- Forestry: Reproductive material harvest - Registration
- For operators of energy supply networks and energy systems: Demonstrate the use of attack detection systems
- Foundation of an auditing company
- Foundation of an auditing company
- Founding an equalization association for the payment of the artists' social security contribution
- Freelance trade: Information
- Frequency allocation for broadcasting transmitters received from the Federal Network Agency
- Funding from the European Social Fund Plus (ESF) in Schleswig-Holstein 2021-2027
- Further training
- General building authority approval for construction products Issuance
- Geriatric nurse: Permission to use the professional title
- Get collective disposal certificate approved
- Get internship for foreign students or university graduates confirmed
- Get non-binding information on VAT from the customs administration
- Getting a certificate of successful participation in instruction for security personnel
- gift tax received
- Grant disabled people equal status with severely disabled people
- Ground rents
- Guardian / insurance advisor / insurance broker / financial investment broker / fee-based financial investment advisor / real estate loan broker; recognize foreign professional qualifications
- Guardianship
- Guardianship: supplementary guardian - appointment
- Guarding: Other guarding tasks - permission
- Handicrafts register: Entry of plant manager
- Handicrafts register: exemption permit
- Handicrafts register: Exemption permit for nationals from EU member states
- Handicrafts register: Registration of ancillary handicraft business
- Hand in bulky waste for disposal
- Hand in garden and park waste (green waste) for disposal
- Hand in paper waste for disposal
- Hand in residual waste for disposal
- Have additives in plant protection products approved
- Have expired driver's license reissued
- Have foreign radio operator's certificates recognized
- Have investment conditions for newly established investment funds approved
- Have investment sales prospectuses approved
- Have it checked annually whether my child receives maintenance advance
- Have IT service providers approved for EMCS message exchange
- Have playgrounds maintained
- Have political education seminars from private educational institutions recognized by the Federal Agency for Civic Education as eligible for special leave
- Have sales tax identification numbers confirmed
- Have securities prospectuses approved
- Have the choice and change of depositaries approved
- Have the fisheries management plan approved
- Have the fishing lease approved
- Have the flight radio examination recognized as a flight radio certificate
- Have the minimum requirements of the living space checked
- Have the reported amateur radio station entered in the EMF database
- Have unauthorized plant protection products for use on infested objects approved for export
- Have your address changed on your ID card
- Have your birth notarized abroad
- Having a temporary and examination-free fishing license approved or extended
- Having changes to the investment conditions of investment funds approved
- Having terminals certified for BOS digital radio
- Head lice infestation in the school or daycare center Notification
- Healthcare professions, specialist healthcare professions: Permission to use the professional title
- Health care proxy
- Health check-ups for children and adolescents
- Health insurance supervision
- Health professions: registration of the practice of the profession
- Health promotion
- Health reporting
- Health resort / resort: Recognition
- Help for people who have been harmed by unjust imprisonment
- Home nursing care benefits for people with statutory accident insurance
- Home slaughtering
- Honors for lifesavers
- House number assignment
- Housing assistance for people with statutory accident insurance
- Housing construction Promotion of rental apartments
- Housing the mentally ill
- Hunting permit obtained
- Immediately register employees for social insurance (immediate registration)
- Immission control: Experts according to § 29a Federal Immission Control Act
- Importing goods (travel souvenirs) from non-EU countries into Germany (customs control)
- Importing goods from EU countries to Germany
- Income tax assistance association: Recognition
- Independently classify water-polluting chemical substances
- Independent schools
- Indicate the presence of lead drinking water pipes
- Infection hygiene monitoring
- Infection protection advice EHEC
- Information hotline on the terrorist organization National Socialist Underground (NSU)
- Information on long-term care insurance on the Internet
- Information on self-help groups
- Information on the Health and Care Professions Pact (GuP Pact)
- Informing information officers for pharmaceutical companies
- Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin about new, changed or terminated shareholdings of banks and financial services institutions
- Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin about new, changed or terminated significant shareholdings in banks and financial services institutions
- Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin of the appointment of a member and deputy members of the administrative or supervisory body
- Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin of the execution, abandonment or change of the intention to appoint a person to the management or to authorize a person to act as an individual representative
- Inform the Deutsche Bundesbank and BaFin of the intention to appoint a managing director or authorize a person to act as an individual representative
- Inheritance: Apply for a certificate of inheritance
- Inheritance contract and will
- Initial medical care in the event of an accident at work or occupational illness
- Initial reception facility in Schleswig-Holstein/Information for Ukrainian refugees
- Initiate or apply for the indexing of a medium harmful to minors
- Inquiry of the operators of radio relay links in the specified plan area
- Insert a blocking note on religious affiliation
- Inspect a spatial development plan for the EEZ or the federal territory
- Inspecting the DPMA register
- Installation of gambling machines
- Instruction for caterers
- Insurance company: permission to operate
- Insurance license plates for mopeds, motorized medical chairs and light motor vehicles Issuing information
- Insure employees working temporarily abroad under statutory accident insurance
- Integrated rural development (village development + Leader)
- Integration assistance for children with disabilities or children at risk of disability
- Integration assistance for the mentally ill
- Intercultural week
- Interest-free loan for the period in which working hours are reduced or completely suspended in order to care for close relatives
- Interpreter: Sworn translator, Translator: Authorization
- In the gas industry or coal import and export, transmit data to the Federal Statistical Office
- INVEST - Grant for venture capital Grants for investments by private individuals in young innovative companies
- Investment grant from KfW for barrier reduction and burglary protection measures in existing residential buildings from federal funds
- Issuance of a certificate of marriageability for German citizens with residence, or habitual abode abroad.
- Issue and submit certificate of employment or certificate of additional income
- Issue of registration certificate
- Issue SEPA direct debit mandate (municipal)
- IT security: Apply for certification of persons
- Job search
- Joining a model declaratory action as a consumer
- Journeyman's examination: Admission
- Journeyman's examination: Admission before the end of the training period
- Journeyman's examination: admission in exceptional cases
- Journeyman's examination: Certificate
- Journeyman's examination: Extended journeyman's examination
- Journeyman's examination: Part 1
- Journeyman's examination: Part 1 - Admission
- Keeping of farm animals: display
- Keep registers and records of the whereabouts of waste
- KfW promotional loans for barrier reduction and burglary protection measures in existing residential buildings
- Landscape conservation Apply for funding
- Landscaping
- Laying hen farm register and producer codes
- Lay judge (honorary judge): Application
- Leaving the church
- Legal aid and legal aid
- Legal services (legal advice), legal services register
- Libraries (public)
- Life certificate for submission to the pension insurance company
- List of "Seed treatment facilities with quality assurance systems for dust reduction": Apply for inclusion of a seed treatment facility
- Lists of drift-reducing seeders: Appliance testing and registration application
- Living will
- Local crime prevention councils
- Lodge a complaint against financial service providers
- Lodge an appeal against decisions of the DPMA
- Maintenance
- Make a binding declaration to pay for all living expenses incurred by a foreign person or foreign persons as a result of their stay in Germany
- Make use of a women's shelter
- Make use of drug counseling or addiction counseling
- Making a declaration on organ and tissue donation
- Making notifications regarding medicinal products with standard authorization
- Marketing of poultry meat
- Master craftsman's examination: Exemption from parts of the examination
- Master craftsman examination: Admission
- Maternity recognition
- Matters relating to severely disabled persons
- Mayor: full-time
- Measures for better housing: Information on the Housing Protection Act
- Meat production / slaughter: ante-mortem and post-mortem inspection
- Meat production / slaughter: approval
- Mediation body for settling disputes between craft businesses and their clients
- Medical and dental treatment for people with statutory accident insurance in the event of an accident at work or occupational illness
- Medical on-call service 116 117
- Memorials
- Metrology and calibration
- Mobile phone masts
- Monitor drinking water
- Monitoring of swimming and swimming pools
- Monitoring of vocational education and training
- Monument promotion
- Monument protection, monument preservation
- Moped test certificate (TÜV)
- Mortuary passport: Exhibition
- Motor vehicle: Additional plate for bicycle carrier or load
- Motor vehicle: Driver's logbook
- Motor vehicle: Exemption from the obligation to wear a seat belt and helmet
- Motor vehicle: forced decommissioning (forced decommissioning)
- Motor vehicle: Registration certificate part II (vehicle registration document) - replace (information on readiness for collection)
- Motor vehicle: Regulatory offenses - warning fine / fine
- Motor vehicle: Re-registration of a vehicle returned after theft
- Motor vehicle: test and sealing badges
- Motor vehicle: Vehicle defects - obligations/fine
- Motor vehicle: Wildlife accident
- Motor vehicles: Exchange of a vehicle registration number for a euro number plate
- Mugwort ragweed: Recognize, report, control
- Municipal appointment information
- Municipal honor received
- Municipal supervision
- Music school
- National allowance for the blind
- Nationality card
- Nature conservation
- Nature conservation: compensation and replacement measures
- Nature conservation: Interventions in nature/environment - approval
- Nature parks
- Neighbor law / neighbor protection: Arbitration proceedings (dispute resolution)
- New application or change of trade name in the register for fisheries and aquaculture
- Newly appointed legal or statutory representatives as well as personally liable partners in the course of a significant participation in an institution report
- Night care for people with statutory health insurance
- Noise protection
- Noise protection: use of equipment - Exceptions
- Nominate short films for the German Short Film Award
- No stopping / no parking: Special permit for craftsmen / tradespeople
- Notarization of documents or signatures
- Notice of insolvency
- Notification of food supplements for sale in Germany
- Notification of ingredients and further information on tobacco products, e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products Receipt
- Notification of supply bottlenecks for medicinal products for humans by the industry to the BfArM and publication of the supply bottleneck reports
- Notify a competent person in accordance with the Medicinal Products Act
- Notify BaFin of new or departing members of the supervisory board or advisory board of asset management companies
- Notify changes to a registered aircraft
- Notify commissioning of an installation not requiring a permit for the use of organic solvents above the threshold values
- Notify cosmetic products (possibly with nanomaterials) before placing them on the market
- Notify daily rations for weight control nutrition for sale or use in Germany
- Notify employment of a pregnant or breastfeeding woman
- Notify extraction levy for mining activities
- Notify individual grid fee agreements, change details and terminate the notification under federal responsibility
- Notify intra-Community acquisition of a new vehicle
- Notify members in households with lead drinking water pipes of changes
- Notify termination of the approved or notified operation or handling
- Notify the appointment, change of duties or dismissal of a radiation protection officer
- Notify the artists' social insurance fund of the change of health insurance fund
- Notify the artists' social insurance fund of the company's mission
- notify the Artists' Social Security Fund of a change in artistic or journalistic activity
- Notify the Artists' Social Security Fund of a change in your professional situation
- Notify the Artists' Social Security Fund of the change in personal data
- Notify the artists' social security fund of your stay abroad
- Notify the Federal Employment Agency of the posting of foreign workers to Germany within the framework of contracts for work and materials
- Notify the intention to appoint a managing director of a capital management company
- Notify the keeping of animals in a holding facility in an EU Member State or in a third country
- Notify the Künstlersozialkasse of a change in the company's activities
- Notify the Künstlersozialkasse of changes in legal circumstances
- Notify the Künstlersozialkasse of changes to the company's basic data
- Notify the statutory accident insurance of changes in the company, self-employed or freelance activity
- Obligation to report
- Obtain access to the adoption file
- Obtain a certificate to pre-qualify for career advancement funding assistance under the German Upgrading Training Assistance Act (Aufstiegs-BAföG, AFBG)
- Obtain approval for the operation of an interference emitter or a significant change in operation
- Obtain approval for the use of plant protection products on public land
- Obtain approval from the Federal Employment Agency for the employment of foreign workers in Germany under contracts for work and services
- Obtain authorization to transfer the management of a domestic investment fund
- Obtain certification of the required expertise in radiation protection
- Obtain expert opinion from IHK for start-up subsidy
- Obtain information about the value protection clause
- Obtaining a fishing license for people with disabilities
- Obtaining a late repatriation certificate
- Obtaining a work permit for seasonal employment for foreign nationals
- Obtaining permission to operate a settlement distillery
- Obtain prior approval from the Federal Employment Agency for the employment of foreign workers in Germany
- Occupational safety / State occupational safety authority at Unfallkasse Nord (StAUK)
- Offer to sell beef to be taken into intervention storage
- Offer to sell common wheat to be taken into intervention storage
- offer TV programs nationwide: Permit
- Official maps / plans - cartographic processing and publication
- Official water security (according to water law)
- Operation of a power of attorney database for tax consultants and income tax assistance associations
- Option for companies based outside the European Union (EU) to centrally declare and pay tax on certain transactions generated within the EU using the VAT on e-Services (ECOM) taxation procedure
- Order for the restoration of the living space received
- Order on measures to meet the minimum requirements for living space received
- Order system inspection by experts
- Order to vacate overcrowded living space received
- Organ donation
- Organize games with winning opportunities: Permission
- Overnight stay tax / bed tax
- Packaging: Declaration of completeness - Register
- Parental allowance - calculation
- Parental allowance information
- Parental custody order in case of endangerment of the child's property
- Parental custody order in the event of a risk to the welfare of the child
- Parental leave: advise and inform
- Parking permit for residents
- Parking permit for severely disabled persons
- Participate in a customs auction
- Participate in a program that prepares young people with disabilities for vocational training.
- Participate in the "RV Fit" prevention program of the German Pension Insurance
- Participate in the assessment of the spatial compatibility of spatially significant plans and measures
- Participate in the creation of a land use plan
- Participate in the development of a spatial development plan for the EEZ and the federal territory
- Participate in the OPS/ICD proposal process
- Participating in the creation of a development plan
- Participation and self-determination of people with disabilities
- Participation in federal sector planning for grid expansion projects, submission of comments on electricity grid expansion projects, registration for events
- Participation in the planning approval process for grid expansion projects, submission of comments on electricity grid expansion projects, registration for events
- Passenger transport company: Authorization - Specialist examination
- Passport: notification of loss
- Passport: Temporary passport
- Patient counseling
- Pawnbroking business - apply for a permit
- Pay alcohol tax
- Pay alcopop tax
- Pay beer tax
- Pay development charge
- Pay dog tax
- Pay fishing tax
- Paying a different amount of the extraction tax for mining activities
- Paying alcohol tax on a severance package
- Paying coffee tax
- Paying import or export duties in arrears
- Paying real estate transfer tax
- Paying trade tax
- Paying VAT for passenger transport by bus and coach across the border to German seaports and Switzerland
- Paying vehicle tax
- Pay tax on sparkling wine and intermediate products
- Pay tobacco tax
- Pay trade tax for the German Wine Fund
- Pay waste fee
- Penalty order
- Perform time synchronization of computers
- Permission received for the use of the federal eagle
- Permission to publish investment information sheets
- Permit for real estate agents, loan brokers, property developers, building supervisors and residential property managers Apply for a permit
- Petition / Petitions Committee
- Petition for divorce of a marriage
- Pets: Import - Permit
- Pharmacist with training from EU/EEA/Switzerland, recognise professional qualification
- Pharmacist with training from third countries, recognition of professional qualification
- Photovoltaic system: Registration with the tax office
- Physician with training from third countries, recognise professional qualification
- Pick up identity card
- Place of residence - registration of the sole or main residence
- Planning and registering parental leave
- Planning approval
- Plant protection equipment: Testing of new equipment and application for entry in the descriptive list
- Plant protection products: Non-authorized area of application - approval
- Pleasure craft license (SBF)
- Political party: Foundation
- Popular initiatives
- Population / Population development
- Port authority authorisations
- Port medical service
- Pregnancy: Advice on confidential childbirth
- Pregnancy: Pregnancy and pregnancy conflict counseling
- Pre-notify sales tax
- Prepare and publish report on equality and equal pay
- Preventing an occupational disease in agriculture or avoiding the aggravation of an occupational disease
- Price monitoring
- Printout from the birth register
- Private Burial Place: Creating/Expanding - Approval
- Private employment /training placement: permission
- Probationary driving license
- Professional driver: Further training - Driver qualification certificate
- Professional driver: Recognition of training and further training positions
- Promotional loan from KfW "Unternehmerkredit Plus" - No. 044, 046 Granting
- Promotion of business start-ups
- Promotion of fisheries, aquaculture and marine conservation in Schleswig-Holstein (EU funding period 2014 - 2020)
- Proof of disposal Confirmation
- Proof of specialist knowledge for the arms trade by examination
- Proof of utilization received
- Proof your professional competence for the road haulage business
- Property tax
- Prostitution: Prohibition - Information
- Protected areas
- Protected areas: Entry permit, driving permit
- Protection against dismissal during the care period
- Protection against dismissal for expectant mothers
- Prove removal or decommissioning in households with lead drinking water pipes
- Provide data on construction work on supply networks for the infrastructure atlas
- Provide details of the person responsible for radiation protection
- Provide evidence of benefits from the promotion of needy children, adolescents and young adults to participate in educational, cultural and social activities
- Provide expertise for the delivery of certain hazardous substances and mixtures
- Provide information for price statistics
- Provide information for the abortion statistics
- Providing data for science
- Providing information for research statistics
- Providing information for statistics on German foreign trade
- Providing information to the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU)
- Psychotherapeutic services for people with statutory accident insurance
- Public appointment
- Public appointment and swearing-in of auctioneers
- Public appointment and swearing-in of samplers
- Publications of the Landtag
- Publications of the Schleswig-Holstein State Center for Political Education
- Public authority number 115
- Public invitation to tender
- Public legal advice
- Public notice on avian influenza / bird flu
- Public participation in the Federal Spatial Development Plan for Flood Protection: submit comments
- Public transportation (ÖPNV)
- Publish job offer online
- Question time for residents
- Real estate cadastre - Inspection
- Real estate map - extract / information
- Reapplying for a statutory accident insurance pension due to aggravation after a settlement
- Reapplying for a widow's or widower's pension from statutory accident insurance after a settlement
- Receive accreditation as a De-Mail service provider
- Receive a declaration that the living space is uninhabitable
- Receive advice and assistance in establishing paternity from the youth welfare office
- Receive advice and assistance on child support issues from the youth welfare office
- Receive aid for surviving dependants in agricultural accident insurance
- Receive and review rent index
- Receive an orphan's pension from the agricultural accident insurance fund
- Receive a parental pension from agricultural accident insurance
- Receive a parental pension from statutory accident insurance
- Receive a pension from the agricultural accident insurance
- Receive a pension from the statutory accident insurance
- Receive a tax reduction or exemption from motor vehicle tax
- Receive a widow's and widower's pension from the agricultural accident insurance fund
- receive a widow's or widower's pension for former spouses from statutory accident insurance
- receive a widow's or widower's pension for former spouses from statutory accident insurance
- Receive a widow's or widower's pension from agricultural accident insurance again after a settlement
- Receive binding origin information
- Receive binding tariff information
- Receive compensation and suspend contributions to the artists' social security fund
- Receive compensation for wear and tear on clothing and underwear
- Receive confirmation of vacation job placement for foreign students
- Receive cost coverage for participation in a work trial or clarification of professional aptitude
- Receive craftsman's card as a certificate for registration in the craftsmen's register
- Receive death benefit from agricultural accident insurance
- Receive death benefits for surviving dependants from statutory accident insurance
- Receive funding for an activation and professional integration measure from the employment agency
- Receive funding for the development of a screenplay for a full-length feature film
- Receive household help and childcare costs under statutory accident insurance
- Receive information about goods stopped by customs as an interested party
- Receive information about leisure activities for senior citizens
- Receive information from the customs administration
- Receive information from the dipul portal (Digital Platform Unmanned Aviation)
- Receive injury benefit from the statutory accident insurance
- Receive orphan's pension from statutory accident insurance
- Receive or request pension information
- Receive partial reimbursement of costs in statutory health insurance
- Receive reimbursement of social security contributions paid for the period during which a rehabilitation measure was carried out
- Receive relief from German tax deduction in accordance with § 50c EStG
- Receive tax identification number
- Receive transitional allowance from statutory accident insurance during occupational rehabilitation
- Receive welcome money
- Receiving child injury benefit from statutory accident insurance
- Receiving juvenile assistance in criminal proceedings (juvenile court assistance)
- Recognition and announcement as an expert or expert according to the Federal Soil Protection Act
- Recognition of Bundeswehr service periods as experience in aircraft maintenance
- Recognition of continuing education qualifications for pharmacists
- Recognition of continuing education qualifications for psychotherapists
- Recognition of foreign professional qualifications
- Recognition of foreign professional qualifications
- Recognition of paternity
- Recognition of postgraduate qualifications for dentists
- Recognition of training provider regarding the conducting of training courses for safety advisors for the transport of dangerous goods
- Recognition of training providers permitting them to run training courses for dangerous goods drivers
- Recovering repatriation costs for deceased persons in statutory accident insurance
- Register a meeting
- Register and participate in the customs IT procedures ATLAS, AES and EMCS
- Register and pay air traffic tax
- Register applicants as aviation personnel with the Federal Aviation Office
- Register as a jobseeker
- Register as an economic operator of medical devices and/or in vitro diagnostic medical devices
- Register as a non-European platform operator (DAC7)
- Register as a person or company authorised to provide temporary and occasional assistance in tax matters
- Register as unemployed
- Register a traditional bonfire
- Register blasting with explosive substances
- Register burial
- Register business
- Register cash and certain other funds when crossing the border
- Register child in KiTa
- Register design
- Register electricity and gas units in the register
- Register employees for social insurance
- Register employees of employers based abroad or lenders in the minimum wage registration portal
- Register food establishments
- Register for admission to an elementary school
- Register for a master craftsman's examination in a craft requiring a license
- Register for social insurance for self-employed artists or journalists
- Register for the air traffic tax
- Register for the BZSt online portal
- Register for the examiner refresher course
- Register independently calculated fire protection tax
- Register independently calculated insurance tax
- Registering a company, self-employed or freelance activity for statutory accident insurance
- Registering and paying wage tax by employers
- Registering an employee family member (Mifa) with the agricultural health insurance fund or long-term care fund and the agricultural old-age insurance fund
- Registering a new company or self-employed activity in agriculture, forestry or horticulture
- Registering health care proxies and advance care directives in the central register of health care proxies
- Registering on the electoral roll as a German citizen after returning from abroad for the European elections
- Registering or re-registering a company with the artists' social security fund
- Registering the employment of domestic help with the statutory accident insurance
- Register market players in the register
- Register marriage
- Register of craftsmen: registration ex officio
- Register on the electoral roll for the Bundestag election
- Register railroad vehicles in the European Vehicle Register
- Register taxes on race betting, public lotteries and draws, and sports betting
- Register trademark
- Register your child at a grammar school
- Register your child with a childminder
- Registration and deregistration of medicinal products with the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices
- Registration for ethics committees on the procedure for evaluating an application for approval of a clinical trial
- Registration for theoretical standardization and proposal of an examiner-trainer for practical standardization
- Registration in the goAML web portal
- Registration of a claim in insolvency proceedings by the KSK
- Registration of entrepreneurs with the agricultural health insurance fund or long-term care fund and the agricultural pension fund
- Registration of non-licensed postal services (inclusion, change and termination)
- Registration of sole traders, commercial partnerships and corporations in the commercial register
- Reimbursement of costs for treatment in hospitals and rehabilitation facilities for people with statutory accident insurance
- Reimbursement of overpaid pension insurance contributions by the artists' social security fund
- Reimbursement of transfer costs by agricultural accident insurance
- Release from German citizenship for persons abroad
- Remaining of a child with a caregiver
- Removal of nests of hornets, bumblebees, wasps or wild bees
- Renewal of a licence to carry passengers by taxi with a limited period of validity
- Renewal of a temporary driving license in categories C, CE, C1 or C1E
- Renew flag certificate for pleasure craft
- Rent vehicles
- Repair measuring devices: Approval as a repairer
- Repaying a BAföG loan
- Repeat 300 lessons of the integration course once
- Replace a parent's consent to adoption
- Report / report violence against children and young people
- Report a dog (bite) incident
- Report an adverse reaction caused by veterinary medicinal products (in animals or humans) or by human medicinal products in animals
- Report and pay social security contributions for employees
- Report an incident during the transportation of dangerous goods by air
- Report a street lighting fault
- Report a suspected occupational disease to the statutory accident insurance fund
- Report a work, commuting or school accident to the statutory accident insurance provider
- Report benefits from statutory accident insurance and expenses for property damage in the event of emergency aid
- Report changes in the agricultural and forestry or horticultural business or self-employed activity in agriculture, forestry or horticulture
- Report changes to the data of energy experts for the federal program Energy Efficiency in Agriculture and Horticulture
- Report changes to the requirements for recognition as a body for the measurement of radon-222 activity concentration
- Report channel fault
- Report conclusion of the land lease agreement
- Report dangerous and non-compliant radio equipment
- Report defective traffic signs or traffic lights
- Report deliveries of new vehicles from Germany to customers without a VAT identification number (VAT ID) in member states of the European Union
- Report employment of domestic help and other household-related services on a mini-job basis
- Report expected annual income to the artists' social security fund
- Report faulty and non-compliant electrical products
- Report foreign endowment or pension insurance contracts electronically
- Report high-activity radiation sources to the HRQ register
- Report information from registered providers on digital platforms (DAC7)
- Report information on antitrust violations to the Bundeskartellamt anonymously
- Reporting (actual data reporting) on individual grid fee agreements for ex-post control under federal responsibility
- Reporting a flight cancellation, delay, denied boarding, upgrade or downgrade
- Reporting a violation of the rights of disabled persons and persons with reduced mobility when traveling by air
- Reporting changes in your personal situation in the event of unemployment
- Reporting cross-border activities (provision of services)
- Reporting pension payments to the artists' social security fund
- Reporting private services for development cooperation statistics
- Reporting rat infestations - tips for avoiding rat infestations
- Reporting secondary activities as a manager of a credit institution
- Reporting the hiring out of employees
- Reporting the loss of your own identity card
- Reporting the transportation of untaxed tobacco products
- Reporting violations in the financial services sector
- Report inheritance with a mining license
- Report inheritance with a mining license
- Report insignificant changes to a terminal device for BOS digital radio
- Report litter
- Report lost property and make a request
- Report months spent abroad by employees to the statutory accident insurance
- Report newly established amateur radio stations or the permanent relocation of your amateur radio stations
- Report non-deduction or under-deduction of tax on domestic income from foreign investment funds
- Report non-typical health risks associated with the use of cannabis
- Report number misuse
- Report occupational illness to the agricultural employers' liability insurance association
- Report payroll totals to the accident insurance institution
- Report playgrounds in the event of soiling or vandalism
- Report possible discrimination in access to railroads and railroad service facilities
- Report price agreements and other restrictive agreements between companies
- Report radio interference
- Report redundancies to the employment agency
- Report remuneration subject to contributions for employees
- Report road, cycle and sidewalk damage
- Report suspected adverse reactions and damage to health caused by medicinal products, vaccines or tissue preparations
- Report suspected loss or unauthorized distribution of cannabis or propagation material
- Report suspicions of money laundering or terrorist financing
- Report tax concessions and tax relief in energy and electricity tax law
- Report termination, discontinuation or interruption of a medical study involving the use of radiation and other changes requiring notification
- Report the commercial operation of public telecommunications networks or the commercial provision of publicly accessible telecommunications services
- Report the discovery of an abandoned or free-roaming pet (found animals)
- Report the operation or significant modification of technical X-ray equipment
- Report the sale of the vehicle
- Report transportation of untaxed alcohol products
- Report transportation of untaxed alcopops
- Report transportation of untaxed beer
- Report transportation of untaxed energy products
- Report transportation of untaxed sparkling wine, intermediate products or wine
- Report unauthorized telephone advertising
- Report withdrawal quantities from groundwater and surface waters
- Report work and commuting accidents to agricultural accident insurance
- Request access to building files
- Request access to submit prospectuses for securities to the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin)
- Request access to the infrastructure atlas
- Request a certificate of contributions paid to the agricultural pension fund
- Request a clearance certificate for companies covered by statutory accident insurance
- Request a copy from the commercial register.
- Request advice on the prevention, recycling and disposal of waste
- Request allocation of the SSR mode code
- Request an annual statement from the artists' social security fund
- Request a pension statement
- Request approval for animal testing
- Request approval for changes to technical business plans for life insurance contracts concluded before July 29, 1994
- Request approval for the introduction of a technical business plan at a regulated pension fund or approval for the amendment of a technical business plan
- Request approval for the introduction of new or the amendment of existing insurance conditions of pension funds
- Request approval for training and screening programs for flight and cabin crews and issuance of flight attendant certificates
- Request arbitration
- Request arbitration in the event of a dispute with a postal service provider
- Request arbitration in the event of a dispute with a telecommunications provider
- Request arbitration proceedings on equal opportunities for people with disabilities
- Request a review of the Riester subsidy to be repaid after termination of the Riester contract
- Request a tax office certificate from the artists' social security fund
- Request binding information pursuant to Section 89 (2) sentence 3 AO in special cases and in cases of original responsibility pursuant to Section 89 (2) sentence 2 AO
- Request change of conditions for employment in case of residence permit
- Request change or cancellation of the residence regulation of the residence permit
- Request confirmation of insurance from the artists' social security fund
- Request confirmation of the installation site for playground equipment
- Request consultation procedure for novel foods
- Request crediting of media services from film tax calculation
- Request current insurance data from the Künstlersozialkasse
- Request deletion of data of energy experts for the federal program Energy Efficiency in Agriculture and Horticulture
- Request deletion of the entry in the aircraft register
- Request determination of a disability
- Request determination of final landfill closure
- Request deviation from regulations on night work hours
- Request duplicates
- Request entry of a language endorsement in the pilot's license
- Request examination of the intended merger of two companies
- Request exemption from full and partial application of the Technical Specification for Interoperability (TSI)
- Request for the customs administration to stop counterfeit or infringing products
- Request funds for a funded project from the "Development Partnership with the Private Sector" funding program
- Request funds for a funded project from the "Media and Freedom of Expression" funding program
- Request funds for a funded project from the "Political Foundations" funding program
- Request funds for a funded project from the "Transitional aid from the KWI title" funding program
- Request funds for a funded project from the funding program "Measures of social and socio-structural policy"
- Request funds for a funded project from the Vocational Education and Training funding program
- Request funds for an approved project from the "Project or institutional funding" funding program
- Request help for upbringing in full-time care
- Request help in the household
- Request help with education
- Request image files for labeling tobacco packaging or cigarette packs with text-image warnings
- Request information about traders
- Request information from the authorities from the National Infringement File in the Sea Fisheries Act
- Request information from the register of contaminated sites or soil protection cadastre
- Request information on medicinal products for human use that are authorized or registered in Germany and on immunological medicinal products for use in animals
- Request information on the status of the housing subsidy account
- Request information on the visa warning file via your own organization
- Requesting access to information from bodies required to provide information
- Requesting access to official information from the federal authorities
- Requesting access to Stasi files for research or media purposes
- Requesting access to Stasi files on your own person, missing or deceased relatives
- Requesting access to the mining rights register or the mining rights map
- Requesting access to the register of building encumbrances
- Requesting a change to a footpath crossing
- Requesting a license plate for a vehicle
- Requesting a market value appraisal of the value of a plot of land or the right to a plot of land
- Requesting a multilingual extract from the civil status register
- Requesting a pension allowance or its withdrawal
- Requesting approval for the dismissal of severely disabled people
- Requesting information from the aircraft register
- Requesting information from the competition register
- Requesting information from the fishing logbook
- Requesting information from the radiation protection register about personal data on occupational radiation exposure
- Requesting information on a land use plan
- Requesting information on the determination of the facts and housing arrangements
- Requesting the allocation or extension of the allocation period of a club station call sign
- Requesting the participation of children at events
- Requesting the withdrawal of a decision by the Artists' Social Security Fund
- Request multilingual death certificate form
- Request official information from the Federal Statistical Office in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act
- Request participation in social group work
- Request pension information from the agricultural pension fund
- Request removal of installations
- Request risk assessment for new substances in food contact materials that are not subject to EU-wide harmonized material-specific regulation
- Request self-disclosure from the National Infringement File in the Sea Fisheries Act
- Request self-disclosure of personal information in the visa warning file
- Request tax identification number (IdNr) or church tax deduction feature (KiStAM)
- Request the issuance of an EU certificate n accordance with the Professional Qualifications Directive
- Request to a company to register with the artists' social security fund
- Research object identifiers (OID) for electronic data exchange in the healthcare sector in Germany in the public OID register
- Residence deregistration
- Residence permit due to displacement
- Residence permit for family reasons Issuance for family reunification of a foreign spouse with a German spouse
- Residence permit for permanent residence-EG
- Residence permit for the purpose of gainful employment Extension for self-employed former scientists and researchers
- Residence permit for the purpose of highly qualified employment: Apply for extension
- Residence - registration as secondary residence
- Restaurant business: Continuation after the death of the license holder - notification
- Restaurant license
- Restaurant operation: Granting of a temporary permit / authorization
- Restaurant operation: granting of conditions (ex post)
- Restaurant operation: revocation of the permit (closing order)
- Restaurant operation: withdrawal of permission
- Result of a company audit by the German Pension Insurance
- Retraining: monitoring, consulting
- Retrieve a declaration from the organ donation register
- Return flag certificate for pleasure craft
- Right to vote and eligibility - Certificates (election proposal)
- Road construction contributions/road expansion contributions
- Road passenger transport (cabs and hire cars): Recognition of a managerial activity
- Road passenger transport (excluding cabs and hire cars): Recognition of equivalent final examinations
- Road safety education and road safety awareness
- Road traffic regulations: Exemption
- Rules and procedures for public tenders
- Salaries, pensions, remuneration, allowances
- School enrollment examination
- School psychological counseling
- School road safety
- School supervision
- School transportation - apply for reimbursement of costs
- Second-chance schools
- Secure supply chain Germany: Apply for approval as a transporter, known consignor and regulated supplier or agent
- Security business - apply for a permit
- Security industry: Certificate of competence
- Security screening of persons who are to carry out security-sensitive tasks in the non-public sector, for example in companies
- Seminars for staff councils from public administration recognized by the Federal Agency for Civic Education as suitable for educational leave
- Send inquiries to the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt
- Senior citizens' representation
- Settling a dispute at the BaFin arbitration board
- Set up a common point of contact (GÜAS)
- Severely disabled people: Free use of public transport
- Shipping
- Shipping: Determination of fitness for sea service and certificate of service
- Show advice on plant protection products and the use of plant protection products
- Show appointment of responsible persons in mining
- Show auction
- Show change in the position of responsible persons in mining
- Show commercial livestock trade/livestock transport/collecting point
- Show commissioning of a crematorium
- Show construction of an animal enclosure
- Show death
- Show dismissal of responsible persons in mining
- Show distribution of domestic public AIFs in Germany
- Show distribution of European alternative investment funds or special funds of a domestic capital management company to semi-professional or professional investors in Germany
- Show dog shows and cat shows
- Show fixed amateur radio station
- Show hiking camp
- Show inclusion of imports of timber and timber products from countries outside the EU
- Show installation and decommissioning of publicly accessible charging points
- Show person responsible for explosives
- Show practical test
- Show retail sale of non-prescription medicines
- Show retraining relationship
- Show start of construction
- Show the start of the waste management activity
- Show transfer of weapons or ammunition only to authorized persons in Germany
- Show transportation of cannabis between locations of the same cultivation association
- Show travel trade or travel trade card free activity
- Show usage recording
- Show use of biocides
- Show use of the organic label
- Simple information from the population register
- Sit an interim examination in occupations requiring formal training in the dual system of vocational education and training
- Site plans
- Slaughter cattle: current price quotation
- small motorcycle license plate
- Social assistance: Assistance in other life situations
- Social assistance: Assistance in other life situations - Assistance for the elderly (housing/place in a home)
- Social assistance: Health assistance
- Social structure promotion projects: Submit notification of waiver of appeal
- Social workers: Assessment and recognition of foreign educational certificates
- Soil extraction/excavations/fillings - approval
- Soil protection
- Sound insulation
- Special educational support (school / support center)
- Specialist medical service / youth medical service
- Specialist veterinarian Recognition of foreign professional qualification Application
- Special official custody of a disposition of property upon death (e.g. will)
- Special reporting obligation for inland waterway boatmen and seafarers
- Special use permit on public roads and squares: Underground special use
- Staking out buildings
- Stand permit
- State and regional planning (regional planning)
- Statutory accident insurance: Preventing an occupational disease or avoiding the aggravation of an occupational disease
- Store opening hours
- Structural analysis: Test engineer - Recognition
- Structural fire protection: Test engineer recognition
- Study abroad
- Studying in Schleswig-Holstein
- Subject to commercial permission: Information
- Submit a complaint due to missing or insufficient information about the identity of the operating air carrier
- Submit a country-by-country report for a multinational company
- Submit a declaration for non-commercial flight operations with technically complex aircraft (NCC) or for specialized flight operations (SPO)
- Submit a declaration on the practical training and examination of remote pilots
- Submit an application for approval to set up a regular service
- Submit an application for authorization to submit simplified customs declarations for export to non-EU countries
- Submit an application for inward processing
- Submit an application for outward processing
- Submit an application for temporary importation
- Submit an application for the use of a term as a common traditional name as an exception to the application of Article 1(3) of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006
- Submit annual declaration for artists' social security contributions
- Submit annual quantities of cannabis cultivated, transferred, destroyed and held by a cultivation association
- Submit an offer to purchase beef from intervention stocks
- Submit an offer to purchase butter from intervention stocks
- Submit an operating declaration for the cross-border operation of unmanned aircraft (UAS) in the "special" operating category
- Submit a preliminary building application
- Submit a recapitulative statement for sales tax
- Submit a request for information on the existence of a platform or relevant activities (DAC7)
- Submit a request to use archive material
- Submit audit reports from financial investment brokers and financial investment advisors
- Submit a waiver of legal remedies for a funded project from the "Media and Freedom of Expression" funding program
- Submit a waiver of legal remedies for a funded project from the "Political Foundations" funding program
- Submit a waiver of legal remedies for a funded project from the "Transitional aid from the KWI title" funding program
- Submit a waiver of legal remedies for a funded project from the "Vocational education and training" funding program
- Submit a waiver of legal remedies for a funded project of a development partnership with the private sector
- Submit corporate income tax return
- Submit costs for implants or orthodontic treatment for adults to the statutory health insurance fund in cases of special exceptions
- Submit data for the infrastructure atlas
- Submit declaration of operation for unmanned aircraft (UAS) in the "special" operating category
- Submit documents for the supervision of construction and for commissioning procedures in the railroad sector electronically to the Federal Railway Authority
- Submit educational material for medicinal products for approval
- Submit funding application for turning assistance system
- Submit information on the issuance of a residence card for family members of EU/EEA citizens (except Germany) and the EEA.
- Submit interim or utilization report for a funded project of a development partnership with the private sector
- Submit interim proof or proof of use for funded projects from the "Transitional aid from the KWI title" funding program
- Submit interim proof or proof of use of funds for funded projects from the "Media and Freedom of Expression" funding program
- Submit interim proof or proof of use of funds for funded projects from the "Political Foundations" funding program
- Submit new or existing air traffic operations manuals for review
- Submit notification of aids as part of rehabilitation for people with statutory accident insurance
- Submit notification of futility due to insufficient cooperation of contractual parties
- Submit notification to the veterinary medicinal product dispensing quantity register (TAR)
- Submit offers for public tenders online
- Submit offer to purchase common wheat from intervention stocks
- Submit offer to purchase skimmed milk powder from intervention stocks
- Submit offer to sell skimmed milk powder to be taken into intervention storage
- Submit other tax applications and notifications
- Submit photo for the electronic health card
- Submit price reports in accordance with the Market Regulation Goods Reporting Ordinance
- Submit product information texts
- Submit proof of activity for subsidized supplementary independent participation advice (EUTB)
- Submit proof of income to the Künstlersozialkasse for random checks
- Submit proof of use for project-related or institutional funding from the Federal Ministry for Development
- Submit proof of use or interim proof of use for a BMZ-funded project in the field of vocational education and training
- Submit quantity and price reports in accordance with the Market Regulation Goods Reporting Ordinance
- Submit quantity reports in accordance with the Market Regulation Goods Reporting Ordinance
- Submit recorded data on cannabis and propagation material anonymously and electronically for the purpose of evaluation
- Submit remuneration report to the Künstlersozialkasse without being asked
- Submit reports on financial account data in accordance with the Common Reporting Standard (CRS)
- Submit screenplays for the German Screenplay Award
- Submit the auditor's report
- Submit the requested activity and income certificates to the Artists' Social Security Fund for review at the end of the period of entry into the profession
- Submitting a complaint against companies in the financial services sector
- Submitting a complaint due to violation of the provisions of the Geo-blocking Regulation
- Submitting a complaint under the EU Dispute Settlement Directive
- Submitting a declaration for second home tax
- Submitting an application to change a funded project from the "Media and Freedom of Expression" funding program
- Submitting an application to change a funded project from the "Political Foundations" funding program
- Submitting an application to change a funded project from the "Transitional aid from the KWI title" funding program
- Submitting a voting rights notification as an investor
- Submitting complaints about the basic account
- Submitting complaints and inquiries in the area of telecommunications
- Submitting complaints to enforce passenger rights in rail, bus and boat transport
- Submitting data to the Federal Statistical Office as a company in the construction industry
- Submitting data to the Federal Statistical Office as a company in the manufacturing industry
- Submitting information on violations of antitrust law
- Submitting interim and utilization reports for a social structure policy project funded by the BMZ
- Submitting reports on financial account information in accordance with the FATCA agreement
- Submit travel and transportation costs for medical treatment in the event of an accident at work or occupational illness
- Subsequent certification of a death abroad
- Subsequent inclusion, amendment and supplementation of conditions or listed activities of the traveling trade permit application
- Subsidy for dentures or assumption of costs for other types of dental prostheses for people with statutory health insurance, including support for people on low incomes
- Substances hazardous to water: Obligation to notify in accordance with Section 40 of the Ordinance on Installations Handling Substances Hazardous to Water (AwSV) for installations handling substances hazardous to water
- Substances hazardous to water: Specialist company - Proof of specialist company status
- Suitability testing of non-electronic devices that measure radon in the workplace
- Supplementary rehabilitation benefits for people with health insurance
- Supplier notification gas and electricity - Report energy supply to household customers
- Supported employment: Applying for an individual company qualification for people with disabilities
- Support for returning to work for people with statutory accident insurance
- Surveys at schools
- Suspension of health and long-term care insurance benefits in the event of unpaid contributions to the artists' social insurance fund
- Take advantage of advice on the obligation to pay artists' social security contributions at information events
- Take advantage of careers advice from the Federal Employment Agency
- Take back your maiden name
- Take fishing exam
- Take parental leave after the first three years of life
- Take the accelerated initial qualification examination for professional drivers
- Take the dangerous goods officer exam
- Take the examination for financial investment brokers
- take the examination of competence to sell medicinal products over the counter
- Take the examination to become a tax consultant
- Take the initial qualification examination for professional drivers
- Take the retraining examination in dual training occupations
- take the training exam
- Taking up employment
- Tax consequences of giving up the owner-occupation of your subsidized apartment
- Tax consultant: Appointment
- Tax consultant: Examination - Admission
- Tax consultant: Examination - Binding information from the chamber
- Tax consultant: Reappointment
- Tax consulting company: Recognition
- Taxing services provided in tax havens for individuals and companies based in Germany
- Tax Investigation / Fines and Criminal Cases Office
- Tax matters
- Teachers: preparatory service/traineeship for a teaching profession, lateral entry and lateral entry at general education schools
- Teacher with professional qualification from EU/EEA/Switzerland; apply for recognition
- Telemedia
- To apply for registration in the register of craftsmen of persons authorized to practice
- Topographic maps (official)
- Tourism
- Track (re-)export declarations electronically
- Track applications for temporary storage electronically
- Tracking cross-border shipments of commercial goods within the EU via the Union transit procedure online at customs
- Trade: Temporary continuation without qualified representation
- Trade and travel with live animals within the EU and with third countries: Official veterinary inspection/health certificate
- Trade register entry
- Trade requiring a license: Permission to continue the business through a deputy
- Trade requiring a license: Prohibition due to unreliability
- Trade roll registration with master craftsman examination certificate
- Traffic monitoring
- Training occupations under the jurisdiction of the Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHK), have foreign professional qualifications recognized
- Training the trainer pursuant to the German Ordinance on Trainer Aptitude (Ausbilder-Eignungsverordnung, AEVO)
- Transfer blocking: Rights to object to data transfers
- Transfer exemption amounts
- Transferring a driving license from the European Economic Area or the European Union
- Transitional benefit due to occupational illness for people with statutory accident insurance
- Transmit data for statistics on agriculture, forestry and fisheries
- Transmit invoices electronically via e-invoice receipt platforms
- Transmitting data to the Federal Statistical Office as a medical, dental or psychotherapy practice
- Transmitting data to the Federal Statistical Office as a wholesale company
- Transporting coffee tax-free
- Travel costs
- Travel documents
- Travel trade: Prohibited activities - exception
- Tree care, pruning
- Truck driving ban on Sundays and public holidays, as well as on Saturdays during the main holiday period: exemption permit
- Trustee (insolvency): Appointment
- Tuition fees
- Undeclared work
- Unemployment benefit payment
- Unternehmensbeteiligungsgesellschaft: Recognition
- Upgrading persons who have entered the country through the admission procedure
- Use a sports hall or sports field
- Use network of single points of contact for simple handling of administrative procedures
- Use of coats of arms
- Vacation offers for children
- Vaccinations
- VAT-free shopping in Germany as a traveler from a non-EU country
- Vehicle: Green license plate
- Vehicle: Unmarked license plate
- Vertebrate pest control, apply for permit for commercial killing or stunning.
- Veterinary affairs
- Victim support (criminal offenses)
- View assessment reports for authorized medicinal products
- View information on vacation programs or vacation jobs
- Viewing archive material or requesting access
- View summaries of risk management plans (RMPs) for authorized medicinal products
- View the results of the federal statistics
- View the site register for genetically modified organisms (public section)
- View travel and safety information on the website of the Federal Foreign Office
- Visit to the committee meetings of the Landtag
- Visit to the Landtag
- Vocational schools and regional vocational training centers
- Vocational training: Advice for the persons involved
- Vocational training: cancellation of the training relationship
- Vocational training: confirmation of training periods
- Vocational training: Examination certificate - duplicate
- Vocational training: Final examination
- Vocational training: Inter-company training
- Vocational training: monitoring of stays abroad
- Vocational training: Monitoring the suitability of the training center
- Vocational training: Monitoring vocational retraining
- Vocational training: Monitor training preparation
- Vocational training: Promotion in dual training
- Vocational training: Recognition of training periods
- Vocational training: Registration of the training relationship
- Vocational training: Shorten/extend training period
- Vocational training: Training center - prohibit hiring / training
- Volunteer as a poll worker
- Volunteering
- Waiver of objection in the case of project-related or institutional funding by the Federal Ministry for Development
- Warning fine proceedings by the Artists' Social Security Fund for breach of obligations
- War victims' welfare
- Waste disposal: Landfills
- Wastewater: Construction of plants - Permit
- Waste water: modification of installations - Permit
- Waste water: Operation of plants - Approval
- Wastewater: Small sewage treatment plants - supervision / permit
- Water supervision
- Weapons, ammunition or permit documents - report loss
- Weapons and ammunition - apply for permission to take away
- Weapons transportation: Permit
- Widow's and widower's pensions for surviving dependants under statutory accident insurance
- Wind energy, priority areas
- Winter service
- Withhold, declare and pay income tax for service providers living abroad
- Witness summons
- Women's counseling centers (violence against women)
- Working in compressed air: Display
- Workplace Ordinance: Exception
- Youth work / youth education